Apple employee exposed to phosphorus and sulfur

in apple •  7 years ago 

Apple employees in Chinina are permanently exposed in the factories under phosphorus and sulfur.

Poisons, long hours, poor pay and pollution - these are the conditions that affect the workforce of a factory producing iPhones for Apple, reports China Labor Watch (CLW).

CLW is a non-governmental organization based in New York that works to educate Chinese workers on their rights.

She has published a report that sheds light on working conditions in a production facility at Catcher Technology in Suqian and reveals grievances. For example, in May of last year, 90 percent of the workforce was admitted to hospitals after being exposed to phosphorus and sulfur.

However, it is not just pollutants and hazardous substances that make life difficult for the workers. With an hourly wage equivalent to about € 1.50 and overtime demanded by the company to the extent that it far surpasses the legal framework in China, they do the rest.

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I believe China's work conditions are poor and the government are not doing anything to improve, poor chinese workers are just suffering to produce all these electronics shipped all over the world. They should protest against the working conditions there.