It wouldn’t be the first time Apple got in trouble for putting its architectural vision before prioritizing safety. In 2012, an 83-year-old woman sued Apple after walking into an Apple Store and breaking her nose in the process of entering a see-through door.
Addictive personal use of gadgets and the company’s architectural design, sometimes it ends up with injured employees who are too distracted by the products to notice walls. A report from MarketWatch details how the company has had to call emergency services to assist multiple employees who can’t help but accidentally walk into glass walls. None of the injured employees required hospitalizations, but some were treated for minor cuts to the head.
The new Apple Park campus was slated to open last year, but many employees only began moving into the building early this year. After the incidents, employees began using Post-its to mark where walls are, but the sticky notes were reportedly removed “because they detracted from the building’s design.”