For most people who don't like to eat fruit, apples are one of the most sensible fruits of all. Those who do not like it but are forced to get used to consuming fruit for the sake of health usually favor apples as their fruit menu choice. This is not wrong, because apples are one type of fruit that is rich in healthy ingredients for your body, in addition to its "tolerable" taste.
In every apple there is iron and magnesium. Besides that, there is also potassium which can maintain your digestive health, as well as other necessary ingredients such as potassium, chlorine, sodium and sulfur. Speaking of vitamins, an apple can provide you with vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and vitamin G.
Apples have greater benefits to the body than most people realize. Apples are good for digestion so they are called the 'body cleansing fruit'. The content actively works to smooth your digestion, and also works to help heal inflammation that occurs in the body. Apples are fruits that you can eat every day with a maximum of 3-4 fruits per day. You can get the maximum benefits from apples if you get used to consuming apples regularly at least 1 fruit per day.