Transcend has launched new 128GB 300S microSD cards that have been optimised to deliver a faster mobile application performance. Compliant with the latest speed class, the 128GB 300S microSD cards boast excellent random read/write speed, perfect for retrieving small pieces of data from random locations and speeding app launch time.
The Application Performance Class 1 (A1) was introduced to realize comfortable application manipulation such as compilation of data which is stored in an SD memory card. It mandates a random read input/output operation per second (IOPS) of at least 1,500 and a random write IOPS of at least 500 for smooth application usage in mobile devices. With the A1 rating, Transcend’s 128GB 300S microSD cards allow smartphones and tables to run apps much faster and directly from the microSD card, saving additional space on device’s internal storage.
Transcend’s 128GB 300S microSD cards meet both the UHS Speed Class 3 (U3) and the UHS Video Speed Class 30 (V30) standards. U3 rated is ideal for high-resolution pictures and digital content and V30 performance is ideal for 4K Ultra HD video recording, with read/write speeds of up to 95MB/s and 45MB/s respectively.
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