What IS Applied Spirituality(tm)

Someone just asked me what is Applied Spirituality....and by jove I think I finally have the answer. We've been trained, schooled, raised up to believe/see/think this is a physical/material world of 'cause and effect'. That's the big lie. That's the human ego linear mind world of 3/4D. We are really a spiritual world with all 'cause' in nonphysical Reality of Soul/Source/God. Walking around in 3rd Dim the challenge is to see beyond cause and effect to the Natural nonphysical God-Cause...that's AscensionAwakening. Oh thank heavens! I had the appliedspirituality(tm) part but what was it I knew that others did not...Whew! You can sign up for my Free Course at https://appliespirituality.com I hope you will! <3

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