in apps •  7 years ago 

Hey there. Do you want your smartphone to be smarter? Well, I can try to help you with that. I won’t be mentioning any already famous applications but the ones you may really need.
I’ve prepared a directory with few innovative apps available on Google Play (in no particular order)
Here it goes.


This app is for parents. If you have an outdated android device which you don't currently use, you can turn that device into a baby monitor.
Pretty cool right?

Smart Phone Lock:

After installing this application your phone PIN changes every minute and the best part, you don’t have to remember it.

How it works?
Let's say that the current time is 5:40, then your lock screen’s PIN will
be 0540 or you can set the offset as +5 mins, now your PIN is 0345. This will help keeping all your notorious friends at bay.

Always in need of a scanner? This app lets you convert your phone camera into a scanner. After clicking numerous pages, you can compile it in a single PDF. Now that’s a utility for college students (who don't write them notes)

So are you a night owl? You stay up late and get up late? Do you want something to wake you up because alarm clock just doesn’t help?
These apps may help you out


It is the world’s most annoying app. It’ll make sure that you wake up for an early class and be there on time. You ask how? The alarm won’t deactivate until you do certain things like - Get up and spin or Solve a math problem or Click a picture of your toothbrush (for eg)

The Rock Clock:

This is for the fitness freaks. You want to hit the gym at 6 but you just can’t wake up? You want to smash your weight down but that’s just not happening? Let the master “The Rock” help you.

Flash on clap:

Clap and the flashlights on your phone will be turned on. Really useful during blackouts.


Can’t manage all those business cards? And can’t find a card when you really need it? This app makes you click the picture of the card and then derives the information from it.


As usual, I saved the best for the end. This app is let’s you remember and learn new words with positively working techniques.
It helps you increase your vocabulary and you can kiss the cliches goodbye. For those preparing for competitive exams like GMAT, GRE, SAT, this app is really useful for them.
You can learn to spell words and also it’s synonym and antonym.
A right technique is all you need.

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