We're going to discuss about up some more. Your favorite Market is for buying your own favorite app in a better deal. Okay, so this is a place where you can buy software's for a lifetime deal month video sound like, you know, mostly like you get lifetime deals here. So the product itself is like, you have different products, such, as like Peppa type got here, Victory, or And all these other products which if you're going to buy them you need to pay a monthly recurring Revenue price of like let's say maybe $25 or something like that. But if you're going to buy this you will be getting a lifetime deal for $69. So that that the thing actually like makes you, you know, it makes a, it makes things easier, right? Like you buy it once and you don't need to pay paid monthly or something like that. The reason why it works. Really fine as that. The product itself works in the principle of like in appsumo like it works. Like they give you the license like they go out and they find the deals just for you and they negotiate with them and they will get a hundred to two hundred copies just for you, so that they the company would have a beta users, or maybe they have initial users and all these things. So, as you know, as, as you know, they are very, very, very, very go in. The SAS based platforms has placed this
This, they have three three pricing plans or like they may have a table of pricing plans, right? In this similar way in absolute. They have this similar thing. Okay, so you either by this lifetime Dale LTD, which they call it as a lifetime deal. You can buy it in one time purchase of 69 or you can buy it for like a hundred and twenty nine or hundred ninety nine. So I'm using I'm used to this platform and I'm using products or some time from. Oh, and I'm saying that the thing is like you. You get a good license and the most of the products are like Top Notch and you don't have any negativity. I don't have any negative review, which is with them because I find it. I find it very interesting like the product itself and you know, like you are saving a lot of money with it, but most of the people may say, say like it doesn't work like in that pay because you're not going to get rich or something like that. But for initial stage or
A start-up. You need some software's, and you need some web applications to run. Your day-to-day needs your day-to-day businesses, and all these things are. For those things. They will give you these kind of things for like 16 and dollars. They give you this, the, you know, like the products Phone features. Like they give you the 10 character, 10,000 characters per month. And like, they give you the serp analysis, which is really good. So, these kind of things they are been, giving out for every single month. You're going to get it up. So, in that way, let's say we're gonna go to this product. We gonna go to outranking.
I would probably say they have this lifetime deal. So. So how much they going to charger?
Okay, so they're going to charge every single month $49 a month. So you can either go for $49 or you can paid for $69 and you can get it straight away. So, that's the end goal here, right? Like, gives you want to save as much money you possibly want. So, I'll just go and do your due diligence. Do find some reviews and all these things then, come up to app back again, to a like appsumo. Then you can purchase this offer and product itself. Absolute product. It's over.
VA and they have like you can even sell if you're like a developer their own like more and more developers coming up and pushing up their products like more like Indie developers, popular size, based business and such Brands to have been coming up straight away, all the way up here, just to put up their name and appsumo because there are like, I guess there would be like problem million plus users towards this platform because the founder is like so much active on and social media part. From they they do pro provide a good resources and all these things. Like they do write blogs and they do create good content which are packed people. The platform and also like these, this mailing, they would have probably a good mailing list. So on, all these things selling on appsumo, would be a great choice to you. If you're a developer because as per like, let's say in back and I are like, I guess not in 2021 bag in a year. I guess they would put up something like a for product. So, like five products a week, they launched four to five products a week. So right now, the I guess it would like, more of like, you need to go up there and you Need to.
Get the product and all these things. So I'll say that you can just partner up with them and you can start selling a right away. Like as like as you were gonna set it up on Amazon or things like that. But if you are a purchase is plus membership, I guess that would be like, looking really good because if plus membership, is they call it as the apps mornings, which is $99 a month, which is a better deal of because the $99 is not original like that that big of a deal.
You need to just pay $99 a year and you can even cancel it up anytime. So I guess that the to pretty much looks really good. So for me, the thing is like, appsumo is like a one good thing, one. Good app actually like like best app for like buying a apps and software is in the lifetime deals. Like as Amazon Marketplace, absolute to is like a Amazon Marketplace for apps. So I love this app and like also the founder and all this. People who's been generously putting up, these kind of offers for us to try out. Right? So if you can find this lifetime deals and enjoyable, just give it a shot. I can just give you the link in the description. If you want to give it up a shot. You can just go and do it up and recently. I've got this one. So there is an offer going on with this. So if you want, you can just go and get the bow tie, which is like a copy editing tool. We have been using it in our business for a time from now, so it's really helpful. So,
To give it a shot right out. Link in the saddle. The description. I can just go. Wait up. Thank you.
go here: http://fbuy.me/v/habiburrahman4u_2