Monthly Forecast: How will Sep 2020 be for Aquarius sign?

in aquarius •  4 years ago 

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1st-7th September 2020
Only after doing a lot of hard work, you will be able to attract opportunities of income generation. Business will be mediocre and there will be personal issues that will create problems. Conflict in family and grudges will also be very prevalent. Weekend will bring in lethargy which is likely to get an important opportunity missed.

8th-15th September 2020
You will introspect about various plans. Your health will not be at its best. Anger and over excitement are likely to affect you. Even after hard work, the results will not be as expected. The weekend is likely to bring you benefit, but not as expected.

16th-23rd September 2020
Despite challenges, you will continue to attract opportunities to support your sustenance. However, there will be lethargy. Mental tension will be created due to the problems you are likely to face in your business. Health will suffer.

24th-30th September 2020
The opportunities of income generation will keep creating. Vehicle and other luxuries will be spent on. You will be in touch with friends and family. However, some worry regarding your business will be there and likely to cause a lot of running around. Conflicts in family will exist.

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