Aquatic Invasive Species Checkpoints - The Justification

In part 2 of our series on these AIS checkpoints we get into the legality of them. Of course this order follower Captain Eric Anderson believes they are legal. After all the team of legal advisers his rulers hired for him told him the checkpoints are legal. Like any good order follower who says they took an oath to uphold the constitution Eric doesn't question his orders or the legality of them. He just knows his handlers told him this is good. We are just supposed to trust and believe what he says. He represents the government which is looking out for us right?
AIS Stop.jpg

This video brings up some case law. Our government and its attorney's have determined through the Lacey Act and using case law like Lidster vs. Illinois it is ok to pull us over for transporting AIS if we are have a boat with our vehicle. There is not reasonable cause unless you consider 0.09% a high enough percentage to consider all boats contaminated.

Check out my video below for more. All my sources are listed in the description of the video.

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