The world was conquered in the past.

in archaeology •  6 years ago  (edited)

From Africa to Antarctica, to Peru and Newfoundland, the proof that humankind has conquered the world is written upon the land. Some very interesting discoveries of markings found in various locations has lead to the discovery and final confirmation that the world was fully conquered by the ancient Sea People of history . From discoveries that are marked in each location studied , the conclusion leads to Africa being quote " An invisible thread inexorably linking the countries of West Africa to the South American mainland in ancient times?".

These discoveries made my day , since for the longest time I have been trying to prove that many areas around the world demonstrate markings that show work being done upon the land at scales unheard of today.

Since they mention Newfoundland , it adds to the speculation I make that North America is well marked as well , and was worked upon just as much as any other country . The history of it is covered up from what I see.

Here I share a link and some images of the discoveries made that have heightened my thoughts towards it all... Everything is starting to connect like never before..



Figure3 Table2.jpg

Figure2 Table1.jpg

They have even discovered faces carved upon the land , amazing...

Great sites to understand the connections in time.

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