Please read this article by Shoebat and previous one to point out the origins of Christendom, #Rome's Covenant with Israel back in Ancient times by Judas Maccabaeus. How " St. Peter and Paul, the bishops who brought the Gospel to the Gentiles, bringing them into the ark, and into the fold of Israel?"
How Christendom is the continuation of Israel, is therefore Christianity. It's not by race, it's the spiritual realm, and the condition of the human heart and soul too. All about believing with your heart and soul with conviction that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of Mankind. Put God first, Family second, country third. More than believing it's maintaining that belief with following and obeying God's law/commandments with responsibility, and accountability. Not just once saved and then license to sin, it's your responsibility on believing and going through a journey with trials and tribulations. Then, passing along the knowledge of God's word to others. Continual process through life.
You'll find out that perhaps some of St. Peter's bones were buried in 2 clay pots at "the Church of Santa Maria in Cappella in the district of Trastevere." Inscribed on the clay pots of names of the earliest popes are Peter, Felix, Callixtus and Cornelius. Theory on how it was placed by legitimate "Pope Urban II’s reign in the 11th century." There was rivalry between Urban and the anti-pope, Clement III, who setup a separated power base in Rome, who was "backed by the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV." Pope Urban was protecting Christendom and the bones of St. Peter.
DNA testing is being done at this time. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
According to Shoebat, "These may be the bones of St. Peter, or they may not. What we can truly learn from this story is the antiquity of the Roman Church, how ancient it is, and how its archaeology really proves that the Catholic Church really is rooted Apostolic succession."
Rome Is The Continuation Of Israel, Christendom Is The Continuation Of Israel, And It Is Here To Fight Against All Evils, And To Destroy Nazism
Brought up the lack of Morality with increase in further sin with homosexuality and abortion. Backwards society.
They worship paganism and worship of thyself. Decrease in Christianity. Other links in the post, please read and share.
Major Leader Of Planned Parenthood Admits: ‘Yes, The Majority Of The Babies We Abort Are Black Or Hispanic.’
Other postings too here, reflect on the Eugenics actions by the powers that shouldn't be on destroying everything for NWO Agenda.