1st drop: 7 Years Experience in Architecture Department

in architecture •  7 years ago 

Hi, we meet again!

This time I'd like to share about my experience in Architecture. I was a student in Architecture Department of Syiahkuala University.
Actually, i never wanted to be an Architect. It never exist in my dream lists, ever.

Awalnya pilih jurusan ini karena aku gak punya pilihan lain selain Ilmu Komunikasi dan Bahasa Inggris sedangkan aku harus submit 3 pilihan jurusan.

Aku langsung berpikir "I'm not belong here" setelah merasakan kelas pertama, nama mata kuliah nya itu kalau gak salah "Teknik Komunikasi", kami diharuskan menggambar tampak depan rumah masing-masing dan dikumpulkan minggu depan, dan ketika dosen nya melihat gambarku, "ini kamu gambar 5 menit lalu?" dengan polosnya aku menjawab "gak pak, ini udah dikerjain dari minggu kemarin" dan dengan bijaksana si bapak menjawab "gak apa apa kok, nanti pajang gambar kamu yang ini bandingin sama gambar kamu setelah lulus nanti" karena kata-kata itulah aku mencoba bertahan di sana.

Salah satu alasan terpolosku adalah, i believe that God has something to do about me being in architecture. Well, I still believe in that till now tho. The problem is I've been through a very hard time there T.T once i asked my friend who love architecture "how it feels being in architecture department?, it's hard right?" and she said yes! You got me right? Even the one who really wanted to study architecture thinks its hard, well here i come with 0 knowledge about what architecture is.

Being 7 years in Architecture, don't you have any thing you like?
Of course i have. I love landscape architecture. Its really fun to design such a big site with trees, fountains, roads, stopping point and everything. We saw everything in a smaller scale. But, there we were not focusing on something like that, we learn everything about architecture. Maybe because this is not the thing i really wanted to do, it was too hard for me to think about all of it at once, electricity, structures, concept, etc. Thats why i wanted to give up.

And one day, I forgot which semester was that time, i met someone, stranger actually, i met her twice. First, it was just hi, nice to meet you, and all basic things. For the second time, i asked her does she remember me, and she said she does, that time was closer, we shared about many things, and then she asked me about my study, i dont why but i couldn't say a word and started to cry. I RARELY CRY IN FRONT OF PEOPLE! Well then she shocked and hugged me saying, why are you crying? I was like, shaking my head, still silent.
After the tears stopped, i told her everything I've been through, and she said that actually its ok to give up on something, I dont have to struggling with the things I've found hard to do (after trying to do it over and over), and when I give up on architecture doesn't mean that what I've been studying is in vain. I got the knowledge means i study.

Aku sangat setuju dengan itu, tapi lingkungan gak mendukung sama sekali, semua orang yang pernah aku ceritakan tentang hal ini mengatakan kalau aku HARUS menyelesaikannya. Aku gak menyalahkan siapapun, itu hak mereka berpendapat sesuai pemikiran mereka, kita gak bisa memaksakan orang berpikir dengan cara berpikir kita kan?
Aku juga sangat bersyukur meskipun orangtua ku juga termasuk yang menyarankan aku untuk tetap menyelesaikannya, mereka gak pernah sama sekali mengeluarkan kata-kata yang membuat aku marah, malu dan lainnya. Misalnya "ngapain aja sih kuliah gak selesai selesai?" atau "liat tu yang lain bisa tamat cepat gitu kok kamu gak bisa?" not even once those words came out from my parents, because they knew that i finished all the tasks, just the result was a bit, yaa.....


And finally I made it!!! I graduated! With all sweats, tears, blood (the lyric seems familiar).. In my last presentation, while crying (i dont know why) i said everything in my head that I've prepared at night. There were 6 lecturers there, and they asked me, why should we passed you?
I said "this is really my best ever project that I've done, i know that I'm not a smart student here, it took a long time for me to processed all the things i got about architecture,but if you can see the old designs that I've made, it didn't has any esthetic thing, the structure was really horrible, the drawing was not detailed at all, but for now i do really think about everything, i know it is still not a really good design, but that's my best"

I don't know if my words could be one of the reason i passed, i just felt sooo happy that i said it.
That was such a long journey, I've finally made it but i suggest you to follow your passion

trying to do something new is good, but when you got trapped, it is not a good thing anymore.


See you in the next drop! Thanks

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Smart people can do great things in life, go for it!

Thanks 😊