I Built A City Using SketchUp 2017 [A Work in Progress]

in architecture •  7 years ago 



Late last year, I discovered this program called SketchUp. SketchUp is a computer program that allows you to create three-dimensional (3D) drawings. Similar to AutoCAD, but simpler and a little easier at least for me. As my curiosity strikes, I started creating simple objects such as boxes while discovering how to use the app itself. I also asked YouTube for some help. There are many really good SketchUp tutorials and Speed Builds as they'd call it, that helped me a lot about the app. These videos also give me inspiration on what to make next.

Airport Top.jpg

So, Why A City?

I started this creation some gloomy morning in the middle of December last year. That was during our lengthy Christmas break, that's saracsm. I was bored. Then I remembered, I got SketchUp on my computer. So I started drawing something.

Funny enough, I did not intend to build a whole city. I originally planned to make a small airport for the reason that when you live in a third-world country, in most cases, beautiful modern architecture is almost close to none. It is only at airports where modern architecture and its principles and art are applied. And I wanted to make something that showcases art in small packages! Take a look:


I am yet to render this as I have not downloaded any rendering software yet. Also, I don't think our computer can handle such task. It's so old it might just crash when I try to render this, haha!. This is also a really small city. I have started more elements such as parks, industrial areas, malls, and museums but I have not finished them all yet. I'll show you soon when they're done. Thanks for reading!

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I would so love to see this all textured and rendered, very nice job.

Wow really impressive! Are you planning on getting an architect? If so, i would definitely hire you! ;)

Wow thank you! I am actually graduating Industrial Engineering in a few weeks! Architecture is just a hobby. Thanks for appreciating! :)