Transylvanian Saxon Fortifications - 5 weeks until summer

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Another look inside the defensive perimeter of Cincșor Fortified Church, Brașov County, Romania

Check out the reason for the countdown to summer here.

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You guys have an extraordinary historical patrimony.
Amazing place mate!

We do, but a lot of it is in ruins

I did not know there was such a place in Brasov and I often go there.

Biserica fortificata de la Cincsor se numara printre cele mai bine pastrate din tara, desi incinta fortificata nu se afla in stare foarte buna dar biserica in sine arata destul de bine. Cincsor se afla pe malul drept al Oltului la aproximativ 12 km de Făgăraș.
Si ca bonus, o sa prezentam multe locuri faine si putin stiute in cadrul proiectului Wandering Romania ce va fi anuntat pe pagina steemromania marti, asa ca fii pe faza :)

Wah.. its great @calatorulmiop

what's so great?

Your pic..

It's unbelievably, incredibly great I know.

Yes. I agree with you👍