in arcs •  5 years ago 

Understanding how data collation, storage, and usage works in this modern age is a very rare skill that very few people have now since that skill is rare those who have it are sought after especially by firms and companies that need their expertise, but even among the few that understand how to go about this data business we still have those who are good at it this where I would stop to introduce ALRE. This is a cryptocurrency company that centers and focuses its energy on [Data}. When we say data we mean data in the full sense of the word. Now in detail lets understand ALRE’s initiative and value model especially to the data sector.
ALRE is a type of ecosystem that pitched its tents around data banks and their users. It provides an enabling environment and strong value for data banks so that they can operate effectively and transact with businesses and individuals. That whole section outlines ALRE, its use cases, value proposition, value model, functionality, and ultimately, its business model. Also, ALRE concatenates a standard description of measures to help keep at bay data tampering, with the solid use of blockchain technology and Network-connected data bank hubs. Delivering into the three main functionality models we have these 3 staged processes.

Now as for the data imputation, ALRE works with these basic models which include questionnaires, personal data, Blogs/Content Creation, Identity (ID) of the company in question. Now all these fall under the information input model whereby users can input the basic personal information ranging from their address, State, gender, answers from questionnaires, blog contents, etc. Now based on the information inputs, and frequency of data utilization they will amass for themselves tokens as incentives. Furthermore, ALRE is also geared towards handling complex structures and also data structures ranging from, emerging tech, which includes Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence with the permission of users such as location information from mobile devices, their habits, health care data from smartwatches, as well as payments and web browsing history.
Moving forward we look at the information storage stage which deals with the collation of this data gotten through the extensive and intensive process of data imputation, housing the data in a data bank system to safeguard the integrity of the data. Also, the system will automatically calculate hash values for the data and store it on a blockchain. The advantage of this feature is to enable people who have access to check if their data has or has not been tampered with giving them the power to control. Now to the third and final point of how ALRE is useful to the solving of data-related issues on the internet which is data utilization. Here ALRE works with APIs that give the company’s opportunity to integrate their businesses and applications with data banks or better still offer their data services. The environment ALRE is giving will allow technologies to handle different business scenery ranging from simple to complex some of which include the implementation of something called W3C DID standards or reputation and scoring system frameworks. NB: The network keeps records of which its participants have been granted sole access to the extent that death and subsequent rewards have been given to them.
ALRE’s business model goes a long way to show that they have done their homework and at a part of being among the leading trusted data bank companies. ALRE creates revenue from let reference to this info-gram bellow.
IFA, THIRD PARTIES, and the USER. Looking at IFA’s their duties operate with the way the companies collect fees from third parties when they give them access to data from the data banks. Now since the data banks are quite cheap most third parties will choose to patronize them so also drive their analytics these way users give consent and also get rewarded. Now lastly on the side of the user, rewards will only come based on the quality of the data, each time the data is acquired rewards are given and they come as payment methods when using ALRE service. So with these few points and details of mine, I trust I’ve been able to convince you that ALRE does the job well of data management.









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