Top 5 simple projects on how to start with Arduino Uno

in arduino •  4 years ago 

Case 1: Led Blinking
• Basic Arduino design of LED blinker test. Projeto básico de Arduino de teste de pisca pisca de um LED.

Case 2: Led Blinking with Relay 3 Port
• Basic Arduino design of LED blinker test with a Relay using the three Ports. Projeto básico de Arduino de teste de pisca pisca de LEDs com um relé usando as três portas.

Case 3: Led Blinking with Port & Delay Change
• Basic Arduino design of LED blinker test with a Relay with setting changing. Projeto básico de Arduino de teste de pisca pisca de um LED com um relé com alteração de parâmetros.

Case 4: Lamp 230V AC with Relay 3 Port
• Basic Arduino design of Lamp blinking test with a Relay using the three Ports. Projeto básico de Arduino de teste de pisca pisca de uma lâmpada com um relé.

Case 5: Led & Lamp Blink with Relay 3 Port
• Basic Arduino design of LED & Lamp blinking test with a Relay using the three Ports. Projeto básico de Arduino de teste de pisca pisca de LED e uma lâmpada com um relé.

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