The CIA officially recognized the existence of the 51st Area. Whether it is true or not, it is not known whether it is a legend, but it seems that the innumerable theories that are produced about it do not seem to be cut off.
Numerous theories have been set up, legends have been made, and many filing topics have been published. The 407-page document prepared by the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officially explained the existence of the 51st region. Raporda CIA stated that the facility was used as the base of secret spy planes.
After the Roswell Accident, which took place in 1947 and questioned the existence of UFOs, many separate opinions appeared related to 51stArea, but no definite answer was obtained. After 66 years from the incident, the CIA officially accepted the existence of this region with its report. According to The Altantic Wire, it is told how the 51st Region was founded, the research done and the development of the base over time.
But in the CIA's very long report there are statements that UFO enthusiasts are expected to reject. The CIA does not refer to the extraterrestrials of raporda, but contends that the 51st area is "part of the government's secret-2 spy plane program."
It is stated that the 51st region was used as "air artillery" in the Second World War, and since then it has had an unpaved runway.
There is also a description of the runway without the asphalt:
"When you look at it from the air, the track looks asphalt. However, a close observation shows that the runway is from the ground and that it has been filled with sand until the wrist level has been used for years. If (Tony) LeVier was going down on the piste, the plane's wheels would probably sink, and important figures in the U-2 project would either be hurt or die ... ".
The 51st area, designated as the planned site for the Nevada nuclear test site covered with desert, was approved by former US presidents during the reign of Dwight Eisenhower. The region itself has many interesting rules that separate from other places in the country. These interesting rules further strengthen the conspiracy theories created for the region: they would die ... ".
Those who do not obey the warnings in the "Attention zone is not entered", "Attention photograph or video can not be caught" signs are located immediately around the zone. Those who do not obey this warning and attempt to take a photo beyond a certain distance are first questioned and then fined. Guardians of Gammo Dudes are given the security of the zone.
The white patrol vehicles are white like other vehicles in the region. No sign, no sign on it. Some plates do not write anything, others just type a zero. A white bus with an empty plate twice a month carries the staff of the base.* There is usually no movement at the entrance of the bay. Entrances and exits are only allowed at certain times.
The patrols do not leave their borders empty for a moment, the phrase "do not blow birds" in the region.
The secret cameras in the middle of the desert record the developments there all day long.
There are frequent planes going up and down on the track. But there are no registration numbers or emblems on them. The situation is no different for helicopters patrolling 24 hours a day.
No one knows what the giant white trucks that go in and out carry. There are no signs on them either.
It is also a mystery where the white buses, which are said to be "the shuttle buses", depart from the region.
Local foreign tourists flock to the region. But they have to stand 50 miles away from the base. Future is "forbidden zone".
Remember the Roswell incident
According to the allegations, a flying saucer fell down to Roswell, a small New Mexico town in the US on July 4, 1947. Again, it was alleged that the bodies of the flying dean's wreckage and space crew were immediately removed by the receiving army.
The beginning of the events is going to 2 July 1947. Dan Wilmot, who lives in Roswell, New Mexico, and his wife see a large, glowing, oval shaped object flying rapidly to the northeast in the sky while sitting on the verandah.
On July 4th, In the north of Roswell, the Franciscan sisters who serve at Mary's Hospital, they see a bright object that curves and turns. In this order, a storm breaks out in the Corona region, 120 km northeast of Roswell. Foster farm owner William Mac Brazel and his neighbors hear a sound similar to explosion.
Early in the morning, Mac Brazel and his seven-year-old son find wrecks spread over an area of about 200 m wide and 1.2 km long, controlling whether the storm hurts the farm.
The townspeople who find the wrecks tell the sheriff of the town. From Roswell Air Force Base, Colonel Blanchard orders Marcel to go to Foster Farm with Intelligence Agency Captain Sheridan Cavitt.
Blanchard then calls General Roger Ramey from the 8th Air Forces Command at Forth Worth Air Force Base and tells him about the findings. Ramey tells the Pentagon. In line with orders from the Pentagon, planes are sent to the area to locate the debris. As a result of airborne research, there is a wreckage of a flying saucer 65 km north east of Roswell. A search-and-rescue team is sent to the area to inspect the wreckage and prepare for debris removal work the next day.
General Curtis LeMay of the Army Air Force Research and Development Department holds a meeting on "flying saucers" with General Hoyt Vadenberg in the Pentagon.
Colonel Blanchard decides to make a press statement to block rumors about debris found by Brazel and to turn the public's attention away from dead aliens.
General Ramey told a press conference at Forth Worth Base that he was not a cisminous flying circle near Roswell, but a meteorology balloon.
An informing is attended by all the soldiers involved in the rescue operations. The soldiers are interviewed in small groups. The soldiers are told that this is a matter of national security and should be kept very secret and they are ordered not to talk about it with anyone.
Eventually it was alleged that the wreckage of the flying saucer and the bodies of the alien crew were removed by the receiving army. The accident site was taken into the quarantine, all parts of the debris were collected and sent to the US Air Force Command of the United States by airplane, where they were kept in public.
Whether it is true or not, it is a myth, the mysterious 51st place seems to be spoken for a long time. From that moment onwards, the questions that remain relevant to the region are expected to be solved in a corner. Maybe after 66 years from now, we will learn more of the unresolved truth about the region. Who knows? (Xoknath)