From the earliest possible age, given the opportunity, all sentient creatures willfully engage and interact in the world around them through play. Play allows us to develop our physical and mental dexterity; our creativity, and imagination, as well as our cognitive, emotional, and social tools. By simultaneously exploring and defining the world around us and our role in it, we create the context and framework for the most crucial behaviors and the decisions that shape our identities, our lives, and the very fabric of reality.
It is for these reasons the Alternate Reality Game Organization provides assistance to the game development community and artists; providing and sharing resources through our programs directly to the game developers and artists who are actively creating the realities we all share. Everything that is now real was once just imagined. At what point does an imaginary thing become real? Is there a moment of phase change or a gradual spectrum of subtle variation as ideas crystallize and take on form? We work by creating bridges between the world of ideas and the "real world". These bridges are built from both direction; working from ideas and imagination and bringing things ever closer to reality, as well as taking things that are decidedly real and adding elements of imagination and new ideas into their current form.
By doing so we are creating a community of active creators while simultaneously creating and playing with our reality. We welcome you and look forward to sharing and co-creating reality and playing our games together.
Enjoy your game! you are already playing...