Argentine Prosecutor Busted Taking Bribe

in argentina •  6 years ago  (edited)



A Federal prosecutor named Stornelli, one of those leading the charge of the current government's campaign against former-Presidenta Cristina Fernandez Kirchner, has himself been busted for extortion. His lawyer was caught red-handed on video and audio taking a bribe of 5,000 US dollars from a businessman who was hoping to avoid indictment by means of the payoff.

And it's not just the one recording, there are also other supporting videos. To add to the fun, somebody has somehow hacked Stornelli's Whatsapp account, and leaked the chats in which he demanded the payoff, and arranged for his lawyer to pick it up.

If you're thinking that 5K is a chump-change level of bribery, you're right. But this was only one payment, and this is the 3rd world, after all. Five thousand US dollars is a significant amount down here.


Translation of the single paragraph of the first story linked below -

The video shows the moment of payment of five thousand dollars in the Selquet confectionery located at the intersection of Avenida Figueroa Alcorta and La Pampa, in the city of Buenos Aires. The lawyer Marcelo D'Alessio is sitting on the left side of the image and businessman Pedro Etchebest on the right side. In the video you can see when Etchebest tries to count the money but D'Alessio tries hard to avoid it.

See the video for yourself here -
And read more about the larger picture here, if you can read castellano -
(the picture at the top of this article is from the story linked just above)

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