This is not a begging post. I'm not asking for money or SBD or SP or anything of the sort, (though I wouldn't refuse any work that came my way because of it; ideally, I'd like to find some online English teaching opportunities that will pay me in crypto or USD), this is just a chronicle of my Big Buenos Aires Apartment Search Adventure. Because it has certainly been an adventure thus far, and given that I'm about two weeks from being without a roof, I doubt things will get any less exciting soon. And who knows? The horse could learn to sing.
Our Tale Thus Far
Our Intrepid Scarlet Marsupial, the notorious Redpossum, (that's me), has wandered far from the mythical land of his ill-spent youth. Like that apocryphal bear of the old campfire song, who "went over the mountain, to see what he could see", our somewhat-scruffy hero has traveled far south into regions in which the Castellano is very, very different from the comfortably familiar Mexican dialect which he learned long ago.
Six years ago I was on the far side of fifty, unemployed, unemployable, by the standards of the usual corporate "Human Resources" office, and with no close family except my brother. I was the right age for a mid-life crisis, but I couldn't afford the Ferrari, so I sold what little I owned and moved to Argentina instead. Here I have been teaching English, and I was doing alright until the current NeoCon government came to power, and began looting the public treasury with reckless, shameless abandon. Now we are all fucked, and not in a happy way, not at all.
So Here We Are
For various reasons, I need to be out of my current digs in two weeks. This is an absolutely serious deadline, with little or no room to fudge. And I'm finding the situation really horribly intimidating. My options are hemmed in and restricted by multiple factors, and this is a bitch of a time to be looking, for anyone. For a middle-aged foreigner of limited means, limited understanding, and dubious antecedents, the situation is an order of magnitude more awkward.
Tick Tock
So, I have two weeks to find a new apartment, or I'm out in the street. I'm not broke, and I'm not completely without work or without resources, but the situation is nerve-wracking.
Starting tomorrow, I'll talk in detail about what I'm looking for, what I can afford, and what the risks of the situation are or may be. For now, the clock is ticking. Tick tock, tick tock.
Wish me luck!
(The pic at the top is my own collage, mostly screenshots from various apartment rental sites here in Capital Federal, but the central map of the BsAs neighbourhoods is courtesy of which is a very useful site, with an impressive collection of histories of the various barrios.)