Kontes Menanam Tanaman Periode- 2 Dari ARK Green Earth / Plant Planting Contest, 2nd Period Of Green Earth Ark

in ark-greenearth •  6 years ago  (edited)

Selamat malam sahabat Steemian, tidak terasa kontes menanam pohon periode-1 dari ARK Green Earth telah selesai. Aku ucapkan selamat kepada para pemenang kontes menanam pohon periode-1 dari Ark green earth. Terima kasih kepada Ark dan sponsor kontes menanam pohon yaitu @jarunik. Terima kasih juga kepada pak @hadipedia dan @happyphoenix yang turut serta membantu dalam suksesnya kontes menanam pohon dari Ark green earth periode-1.

Kini kontes menanam pohon dari Ark green earth periode-2 telah dimulai. Aku ingin mengajak sahabat-sahabat Steemian untuk mengikuti kontes ini demi untuk membantu melakukan penghijauan dalam rangka mengurangi pemanasan global di planet bumi.

Adapun persyaratan kontes menanam pohon dari Ark green earth seperti di bawah ini :

  • Tema Kontes :

"Membuat postingan menanam tanaman di tanah (bukan di dalam pot)".

  • 8 Persyaratan yang harus diikuti :

(1) Menyiapkan tanaman yang belum ditanam, lokasi tempat menanam dan siapkan lubang pada tanah untuk persiapan menanam tanaman, lalu foto dan upload.

(2) Buatlah gambar logo ARK, tulis lokasi kalian menanam tanaman, tulis nama akun Steemit kalian dan tulis tanggal saat kalian menanam tanaman (tanggal terbaru). Buatlah logo ARK sebagus mungkin sesuai dengan kreativitas kalian.

(3) Unggah foto yang sudah ditanam di tanah dan pasang logo ARK yang telah kalian buat.

(4) Jelaskan dan ceritakan tujuan dan perasaan kalian saat menanam tanaman. Tulis pada postinganmu minimal 200 kata.

(5) Sebutkan nama tanaman yang kalian tanam pada judul postingan kalian dan ajak dua orang teman kalian (sebutkan nama akun Steemitnya) untuk mengikuti kontes menanam pohon periode-2 dari Ark green earth.

(6) Tag utama yang harus dipakai :

(7) Kirimkan link postingan kontes kalian pada postingan pak @hadipedia di bawah ini :


(8) Download wallet ARK untuk menerima hadiah koin ARK dan tuliskan alamat dompet ARK kalian pada kalimat postingan terakhir (paling bawah).

Download wallet ARK di :

  • Android :


  • Iphone :


Juri kontes menanam pohon dari Ark :


Contoh postingan :



  • Hadiah Kontes menanam pohon dari Ark green earth periode-2 :

Juara 1 = 5 koin Ark

Juara 2 = 3 koin Ark

Juara 3 = 2 koin Ark

  • Postingan kalian akan diupvote oleh sponsor kontes menanam pohon dari Ark green earth :


  • Kontes diadakan seminggu sekali dimulai hari Sabtu (hari ini, 20 Oktober 2018) dan ditutup hari Jum'at depan (26 Oktober 2018)

  • Informasi kontes lebih lanjut :

Follow pak @hadipedia

  • Hadiah disponsori oleh : Arkecosystem

  • Jika kalian sudah memiliki 30 coin Ark, kalian bisa upvote fee delegasi 1coin Ark kepada @jarunik dari wallet kalian agar coin Ark kalian semakin bertambah banyak.

  • Contoh logo ARK (buat logo sebagus mungkin sesuai dengan kreasi kalian) :


Pada kesempatan kali ini, aku ingin mengajak dua orang temanku untuk mengikuti kontes menanam tanaman dari Ark green earth periode ke-2. Mereka adalah :

Demikian informasi kontes menanam pohon dari Ark green earth periode ke-2. Aku harap kalian dapat meluangkan waktunya untuk berpartisipasi mengikuti kontes ini. Semoga planet bumi kita semakin hijau. Terima kasih, selamat malam dan selamat menikmati malam Minggu. Semoga harimu menyenangkan.

  • English Version :

Good night, Steemian friends, it doesn't feel like the ARK Green Earth period-1 tree planting contest has finished. I congratulate the winners of the period-1 tree planting contest from Green Earth Ark. Thank you to Ark and the sponsor of the tree planting contest, @jarunik. Thank you also to @hadipedia and @happyphoenix for participating in the success of the Tree Planting Contest from the Green Earth Ark period-1.

Now the tree planting contest from Ark Green Earth period 2 has begun. I want to invite Steemian's friends to participate in this contest to help reforest in order to reduce global warming on planet earth.

As for the requirements of the tree planting contest from Ark Green Earth as below :

  • Contest themes :

"Making a post planting plants on the ground (not in a pot)".

  • 8 Requirements to be followed :

(1) Preparing plants that have not been planted, locations for planting and preparing holes in the soil for preparation of planting crops, then photographs and uploads.

(2) Draw a picture of the ARK logo, write down the location you planted, write your Steemit account name and write down the date when you planted the plants (the latest date). Make the ARK logo as good as possible according to your creativity.

(3) Upload photos that have been planted on the ground and install the ARK logo that you have made.

(4) Explain and share your goals and feelings when planting crops. Write at your post a minimum of 200 words.

(5) Mention the name of the plant you planted in the title of your post and invite two of your friends (state the name of the Steemit account) to take part in the 2nd period tree planting contest from Ark Green Earth.

(6) The main tag that must be used :



(7) Send your contest posting link to @hadipedia post below :


(8) Download ARK wallet to receive ARK coin prizes and write down your ARK wallet address in the last (lowest) post sentence.

Download ARK wallet at :

  • Android :


  • Iphone :


The judge of the tree planting contest from Ark :


Example post :



  • Prizes for planting trees from Ark Green Earth period 2 :

Winner 1 = 5 Ark coins

Winner 2 = 3 Ark coins

Winner 3 = 2 Ark coins

  • Your posts will be reviewed by sponsors of tree planting contests from Ark Green Earth :


  • The contest is held once a week starting Saturday (today, October 20, 2018) and closes next Friday (October 26, 2018)

  • Further contest information :

Follow @hadipedia

  • Prizes sponsored by : Arkecosystem

  • If you already have 30 coin Ark, you can upvote the 1coin Ark delegation fee to @jarunik from your wallet so your coin Ark will increase.

  • Example of the ARK logo (making a logo as good as possible according to your creation) :

On this occasion, I would like to invite two of my friends to take part in a plant planting contest from the 2nd period Ark Green Earth. They are :

Thus information on tree planting contests from the 2nd period Ark green earth. I hope you can take the time to participate in this contest. Hopefully our planet earth is getting greener. Thank you, good night and enjoy Sunday night. Have a nice day.

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interesting contest :)
on a side note, for your other pictures you should probably include either yourself or that little note with your account name so everybody knows it's really your own 👍

Thank you for the suggestion @roundbeargames

I hope you also participate in this contest 😊

i'm too busy with other stuff, i'll just support you haha

Ok thank you for your support 🙏😊

Hopefully the projects that you run are successful


Wow 😊

Sukses untuk kontesnya mba

Terima kasih mbak @ettydiallova

Kalau sempat , ikutan kontes menanam tanaman yuk mbak @ettydiallova ikut membantu mengurangi pemanasan global 😊


Thanks for the offer, I will do so in the spring again. As if I was to plant anything in this late in the year would be killed by our winters.

Thank you for stopping at my post @solominer

I appreciate your answer 👍😊