ARK Ecosystem Kembali Hadir Dalam Kontes Menanam Tanaman Untuk Penghijauan (Periode ke-3) / ARK Ecosystem Returned To The Contest : Planting Plants For Greening (3rd Period)

in arkindonesia •  6 years ago  (edited)

Selamat malam sahabat Steemian, selamat malam sahabat ARK. Malam ini aku ingin berbagi informasi tentang kontes yang kembali diadakan oleh ARK Ecosystem. Kontes menanam tanaman periode ke-3 dari Ark Green Earth bertujuan untuk menghijaukan planet bumi dan mengurangi pemanasan global.

Tema Kontes


Menanam tanaman di tanah (bukan di pot).

Jika sahabat Steemian ingin mengikuti kontes menanam tanaman periode ke-3 dari ARK Ecosystem, berikut ini adalah beberapa

syarat-syaratnya :


Siapkan bibit tanaman yang belum ditanam, tentukan lokasi untuk menanam tanaman dan siapkan lubang untuk menanam tanaman. Setelah siap foto dan unggah pada postingan kontes menanam tanaman periode ke-3.


Buatlah gambar logo ARK sesuai dengan kreativitas dan kreasiku. Buatlah logo ARK sebagus mungkin. Cantumkan lokasi menanam tanaman, tulis nama akun Steemit kalian dan tulis tanggal saat menanam tanaman (tanggal terbaru).


Foto tanaman yang sudah ditanam disertai logo ARK yang sudah dibuat sesuai kreasi kalian.
Upload Foto yang sudah ditanam di tanah berikut logo ark yang telah dibuat.


Tuliskan pada postingan kontes, tujuan dan perasaan kalian pada saat menanam tanaman. Ketik tulisan pada postingan minimal 200 kata.


Tuliskan nama tanaman yang kalian tanam pada judul postingan dan sebutkan dua nama temanmu, ajak untuk ikut bergabung untuk mengikuti kontes menanam tanaman periode ke-3 dari ARK Ecosystem.


Gunakan tag utama pada kontes menanam tanaman periode ke-3 :



Kirimkan link postingan kontest kalian pada komentar di postingan pak @hadipedia di bawah ini :


Download dompet ARK untuk menerima hadiah koin ARK. Tuliskan alamat dompet ARK kalian pada bagian bawah postingan.

Download di :

Android :

iPhone :

Juri Kontes :


Contoh posting :

(Sumber gambar : koleksi foto @maryamalda)

Hadiah bagi pemenang kontes menanam tanaman dari ARK periode ke-3 :

  • Pemenang pertama : 5 koin ARK

  • Pemenang kedua : 3 koin ARK

  • Pemenang ketiga. : 2 koin ARK

  • Jika kalian telah memiliki 30 koin ARK, kalian bisa upvote fee delegasi 1 koin ARK kepada @jarunik dari dompet kalian agar koin ARK kalian semakin bertambah banyak.

  • Contoh tulisan logo ARK (buatlah logo ARK sebagus mungkin sesuai dengan selera dan kreativitas kalian):


Pada postingan promosi kontes menanam tanaman dari ARK periode ke-3 ini aku ingin mengajak dua orang teman dekatku yaitu :

Demikian postinganku tentang promosi kontes menanam tanaman periode ke-3 dari ARK Ecosystem. Aku berharap sahabat Steemian bersemangat untuk mengikuti kontes ini. Kurang lebihnya mohon maaf, terima kasih kepada ARK Ecosystem dan @jarunik sebagai sponsor kontes, terima kasih kepada pemberi informasi kontes dari ARK @hadipedia, terima kasih kepada juri kontes @happyphoenix dan terima kasih kepada suamiku tercinta @syarrf yang selalu mendukungku mengikuti kontes ini.

Selamat malam dan selamat beristirahat sahabat Steemian. Semoga besok cuaca cerah sehingga aku bisa memulai aktivitas penghijauan untuk kontes menanam tanaman dari ARK Ecosystem periode ke-3 dengan lancar. Amin.

  • English Version :

Good night Steemian friends, good night friends ARK. Tonight I want to share information about the contest again held by ARK Ecosystem. The 3rd period plant planting contest from Ark Green Earth aims to green the planet Earth and reduce global warming.

Contest Theme


Planting plants on the ground (not in pots).

If Steemian's friends want to take part in the contest to plant the 3rd period of the ARK Ecosystem, here are some



Prepare plant seeds that have not been planted, determine the location for planting crops and prepare holes for planting crops. After the photo is ready and upload it to the posting, plant the 3rd period.


Make a picture of the ARK logo according to my creativity and creativity. Make the ARK logo as good as possible. List the location of planting crops, write your Steemit account name and write the date when planting the plant (the latest date).


Photographs of plants that have been planted with ARK logos that have been made according to your creations. Upload photos that have been planted on the ground along with the logo ark that has been made.


Write on your contest posts, your goals and feelings when planting crops. Type the posts in the post for at least 200 words.


Write the name of the plant that you planted in the title of the post and mention two names of your friends, invite them to join in to participate in the contest to plant the 3rd period of the ARK Ecosystem.


Use the main tag in the 3rd period plant planting contest :



Send the link to your contest posts in the comments in Pak @hadipedia's post below :


Download the ARK wallet to receive ARK coin prizes. Write down your ARK wallet address at the bottom of the post.

Download at :

Android :

iPhone :

Contest Judge :


Example post :

(Source Image : by @maryamalda)

Mr. @jarunik

  • The contest for planting this plant will continue to be held once a week starting on Saturday and closed on the following Friday.

  • The description of the planting plant contest from the 3rd ARK period can be seen in Mr. @hadipedia's post. Don't forget to follow mr. @jarunik and Mr. @hadipedia.

  • A prize sponsor of : ARK Ecosystem.

Prizes for contest winners grow plants from the 3rd ARK period :

  • First winner : 5 ARK coins

  • Second winner : 3 ARK coins

  • Third winner : 2 ARK coins

  • If you already have 30 ARK coins, you can upvote the fee for the delegation of 1 ARK coin to Mr. @jarunik from your wallet so that your ARK coins increase.

  • Example of writing the ARK logo (make an ARK logo as good as possible according to your taste and creativity) :

In the posting of the promotion campaign for planting crops from ARK for the 3rd period I want to invite two of my close friends, namely :

Thus my post about the promotion of the contest to plant the 3rd period of the ARK Ecosystem. I hope that friend Steemian is eager to take part in this contest. More or less apologize, thanks to the ARK Ecosystem and Mr. @jarunik as sponsors of the contest, thanks to the contest information provider from ARK Mr. @hadipedia, thanks to the jury of the contest brother @happyphoenix and thanks to my beloved husband @syarrf who always supported me in this contest.

Good night and good rest, friend of Steemian. Hopefully tomorrow the weather is sunny so that I can start greening activities for the contest to plant crops from the 3rd period ARK Ecosystem smoothly. Amen.

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