Debt Created To Build Armies

in army •  5 years ago 

Debt Created To Build Armies

Inflation Creates Military_.jpg

Here is a thought and I think I am right. Inflation is created to build military. Think about this, going as far back to the Roman Empire. The top leaders of each country would inflate the money system for themselves. Which would devalue the money for the citizens. Which comes to the point, people are unable to afford to live almost. However military being part of the government which runs in the same bubble as the Asset Owner. One can join this bubble and have all their needs to live fulfilled. With the price of having to serve in the military an fight a war. Do you think this concept is done on purpose. For the leaders to make sure there is enough people always going poor and join the military. You almost never see any wealthy people join the military. With the exception of some joining to be high ranking officers and generals in the military.

If you go back in history with who goes into the military. Either in cases of drafts and even in volunteer enrolling. You tend to see more people from the lower income areas. In some cases of course the military is a benefit to that person. For someone with no education and no means of income etc. Joining military could create a better life then that person does now.

However the question is with inflation. Is inflation created and made just so the government always has a larger number of people. Look at a country like North Korea which has the highest and biggest member military in the world. The citizens of that country live in total poverty. Therefore joining military is highly attractive. Of course there are other reasons in that country of people joining the military.

In general you can look at many countries of the world that have high levels of poverty. Often those countries have a big and powerful military. Such as a trend.

What do you think of this aspect? Do you think inflation is created just to forced people to go into the military?

What do you think?


#uptrennd #1up #money #fiat

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