
in armyfortrump •  4 years ago 

Over 10.6 million people recovered from Covid-19 as of August of 2020 according to Johns Hopkins Hospital. In other words, people are fighting the 2019 Novel Corona Virus which Bill Gates patented in 2019, which test kits were being developed for in 2017, which was being developed in North Carolina before moving to Wuhan, China in 2015, which was mentioned in Lockstep in 2010, which was mentioned in a book written in 1984 and on and on. It wasn't two weeks to flatten the Covid Curve but just a moment to flatten our freedoms & liberties in 2020 like the world has never seen before. The 100 is a show about people taking the Bill Gates vaccine tattoo chip in order to gain control over people globally. People who do not take the mark of the beast are nailed to x crosses like Jesus was. Army For Trump.

2020 USA Presidential Election Plan

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2020-09-09 - Wednesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-09-09 - Wednesday
Published in September of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-09-08 03:20:50.png
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By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.


Information You Can Gobble

Somebody drew a beautiful cartoon version of @Joy_Villa on Hive Blog.


You Are What You Eat


Learn English You Can Eat

In 2020, over 10.6 million people recovered from the _________


Martin Luther King Jr couldn't have said it better.

Private Property Rights

12:20 PM - Hive Blog

I will try my best to lock my door. I believe in that right, that freedom, to lock my door because I believe in private property. If you do not believe in that, then you cannot believe in trespassing. If I found out where you live, then there is no way you can keep me out of your house if I claim that your house is my house and everybody's house. You would need to admit that your house is your house. Otherwise, you can't really stop me without being a hypocrite in regards to private property rights.

Guns Are Everything

12:25 PM - Hive

Guns are everything. When they take the guns from you, then they have all your guns, then government become the Nazis and you become a Jew. In history, this cycle of abuse goes around and around again and again, very clearly, history repeats itself for thousands of years you can see the loop in a variety of ways in countries and kingdoms and villages and other places all around the world for thousands and thousands of years, just study history to see it. So, you are obeying them by believing their lies about guns. You are giving the government power because you fell for their deception regarding destroying the second amendment meaning you might as well get rid of the 4th amendment which you mention as it talks about spying.

Not Wanting to Know?

12:28 PM - Hive

Too bad you don't have links for this meaning you do not know what I am talking about and the information I know is not a secret and not hard to find meaning you do not want to know meaning I should not waste my time to help you because you do not want to know. Other people could give you the links if they want and someday somebody may help you see what I am saying. Someday, that will happen. For now, you can pretend I am an idiot.

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Free Geek Computers

If you don't know, Free Geek in Portland would let people make their own desktop computers for free or I mean I would have to build them a few computers first via their programs which can take some hours to complete. They may still have that program.

Apple Sucks

11:58 PM - Hive

Apple shares data, technically by giving the keys to the Chinese government, a backdoor, meaning a violation of privacy, the 4th amendments, and Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and others, do the same. So, yes, Covid Tracking is especially dangerous on top of what was already Tech Tyranny for most of the previous decade, the 2010's, if not longer than that actually.


General Shepherd

12:43 AM - The Alex Jones Show Tue 09/08)20 RE-UPLOADED Full Show

It wasn't two weeks to flatten the Covid Curve but just a moment to flatten our freedoms & liberties in 2020 like the world has never seen before.

Facebook will say Trump lost when Trump wins and will attack people who simply comment on the results. Many more accounts will be banned by November of 2020.

Secret Police in Australia

The 100

2020-09-09 - Wednesday - 01:15 AM - 02:01 AM - The 100 312

The guy comes back to kill the white leader girl and her friends but then she threw the AI thing on which went into him and killed him, thanks Bill Gates/

2020-09-09 - Wednesday - 02:02 AM - 02:51 AM - The 100 313

The 100 is a show about people taking the Bill Gates vaccine tattoo chip in order to gain control over people globally.

People who do not take the mark of the beast are nailed to x crosses like Jesus was.

General Shepherd

12:06 PM - The Alex Jones Show Tue 09/08)20 RE-UPLOADED Full Show

Over 10.6 million people recovered from Covid-19 as of August of 2020 according to Johns Hopkins Hospital. In other words, people are fighting the 2019 Novel Corona Virus which Bill Gates patented in 2019, which test kits were being developed for in 2017, which was being developed in North Carolina before moving to Wuhan, China.

I wonder why would they not be hiding in boats near New Zealand instead of Italy. Perhaps it has something to do with the Vatican.

Red Guy

01:17 PM - Alex Jones Show - First Hour - September 9, 2020


The United Spot

11:39 PM - MAGA Story


08:30 AM - Back doing my senior year at my high school. It must have been the summertime before what would be another 12th grade for me or it might have been my first time at it. Most likely a redo and I was at the high school either during the school year or like I said during the summer before the school year, and I was in the hallway near the library studying and eating snacks. The gym might have been where the library was or near it in this dream as opposed to being at a different place in real life. A teacher or principle or somebody sort of yelled at me when he saw me and was telling me I needed a form if I wanted to be there and I was trying to tell him I didn't ever have to have a form before. He had a skippy attitude and was telling me how things were. I thought I was fine hanging out after class on a weekday or more likely on a weekend either during the school year or maybe before it or at a time when there were no classes. Well not sure exactly when but he was walking by abd kept on going and I was either staying or I am not sure but then I woke up. Then went back to bed.


11:30 AM - Got up again. Might have had a dream about trying to find Tiffany Cumbo. Went to her famil's house and didn't see pictures of her on the wall in this dream. I think I had another dream too that might not be related where I was with some people and we were like in the sky and landed onto a house and/or a building or a plce and this like bunk bed and we might have been kind of in the neighborhood I grew up in, Rose Grove but in the older part, Rose Acres. It may have been a combination of places and we were going somewhere. Not exactly sure which people I was with or where we were going. We may have not been in the sky or I am not sure of the details but like I said we possibly crashed and there may have been like a mess with the place and the beds and we may have like tried cleaning it up and going on our way and I forget the details of where we were going and what might have happened after that. But the Tiffany Cumbo dream might have happened after that. Like I said, was looking for her and didn't see pictures of her and I don't remember seeing her family at the house and I think that was it.


Cereal. Coffee. You can add her to this Facebook group chat. Rick can tell her of the places we went hiking at in 2019. How many fires do Oregon usually get? Is it true there are also fires in WA too? Looks like it's turning into California when they lack enough fire breaks. Mike Kurtz was living in FG last time I saw him in 2018, hope he is ok. Sounds like some of the fires are getting close to Hagg Lake? Cleaning around 12:20 PM - 04:12 PM off and on between watching Alex Jones. Also writing an article about their Red Mirage Scam they plan on doing. Vacuum that house, sweep, mop. Help with making a rod for that toilet, a snake.

Ryan Forrest, My other account was just banned a week ago.

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Also, I got $1.2K in a stimulus check. It's said that Americans making less than something like $72K/year were able to get the checks. A second one might be coming this year. I simply applied online to get it. Rick, did you know I left a backpacking bag at dad's?


05:00 PM - Pizza. I had around 6 slices. 3 kinds but no Hawaiian. Probably too many. Stick it in the freezer. Please. I'll be back. Good to think about timing. Good to understand the threefold trinity of God and the threefold process of salvation. It is not hard to understand that salvation requires eternal security. Not Rambo man. Name of my cousin, the younger one. Put the RV on cement someday. Stocked up toilet paper from under mom's bed to under the sink. Brought in from the outside garage. Got 2 boxes for Larry's old clothes. I got stamps in my room. Used a pencil. Was going to write the letter over but decided not to I guess. No ordinary envelops I guess. Will send it off tomorrow. I put her in this group. I do have videos in the shed there. Changing subjects. Diamonds. Crystals. Gold. Not a dog and not made out of wood and not a street. I am joking just kidding.

2020 USA Presidential Election Plan

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Hey, arnold, Can you help me? I made a mistake while transferring my recovery account from Steemit to Hive. Currently, I am not able to log in to Hive. I did not back up the newly created hive key.

I would like to ask @roleerob for help, but I can't talk to him.
I would appreciate it if you let @roleerob know my difficulties.

Is the key on Hive the same as on Steemit? Usually, they are the same on both places.