22-5-1 US 7th Armored Regiment withdrawal from Nakdong River to Yalu River

in armyus •  4 years ago 

Colonel Cecil Nist, commander of the regiment, issued an order to withdraw, emphasizing that the enemy at Hill 464 must be defeated.
(The 2nd Battalion must deviate from the enemy and occupy Hills 464 and 380, the main resistance lines.

Several attempts to seize Hill 464 failed.

It rains heavily on the night of September 5

Withdrawal of regiment
The 1st Battalion withdrew safely and completely

The 3rd Battalion withdrew while moving with the enemy, was fired by enemy tanks near Waegwan, and after a bright day, 18 casualties were incurred by mortar fire.

The 2nd Battalion begins withdrawal of 0300 on September 6
2 tanks were discarded, 1 was mechanically broken, and 1 could not be moved in mud.
G Company attacked Hill 464, and the rest of the battalion moved to the 2nd group to capture Hill 380 in the south half a mile.

North Korean troops noticed the withdrawal of the 2nd battalion and attacked and surrounded
The 2nd Battalion besieged at hills 464 and 380 in the early morning and evening.
The commander of the regiment judges that the squadron has been lost

Command example of G Company commander
Only 80 people remained in G Company, completely isolated from its main power.

At 0800, at the summit of Hill 464, 3 enemy soldiers were killed in a surprise attack, but the summit was not captured.

Received a radio order to withdraw in the afternoon
One sergeant was killed by an allied bombardment on the Hasan Road,
Company Commander Captain Aerman L. West is slandered by a bouncing stone

The company commander assembles the spin-off company members
In any case, do not shoot and act carefully, causing the North Korean military to misunderstand them as friendly forces.

On September 7th, at the eastern side of Hill 464, hearing the sound of US military weapons, judged as the lost firearm platoon last night, and joined them.

Lieutenant Harold R. Anderegg's firearms platoon broke up with the company and encountered the North Korean army three times, but all separated without firing.

In the early morning and evening, the enemy was ambushed in a hilly trench, killing 13 people and taking 3 people.
A bag containing documents and maps was confiscated from a North Korean military officer.
With this document, it was confirmed that Hill 464 was part of the assembly site of the 3rd North Korean Division advancing from Hill 518 to Daegu.

Withdrawal of 2nd Battalion of the 5th Armored Regiment
The 2nd Battalion of the 5th Armored Regiment at Hill 303 on the left side of the division was

Regiment Commander Colonel Crombez's instructions
Demanded to wait for the 7th Armored Regiment to open up an evacuation route
On September 6, the 2nd Battalion suffered a lot of damage at Hill 303.

The situation on September 7
On September 7th, the enemy attacked the 1st battalion on the eastern side of the 2nd battalion.
4 people were killed and 7 were wounded at the battalion relief center.
That night, the 1st battalion was assigned to the 5th Armored Regiment (division order)

US 7th Armored Regiment (-) reserves divisions near Daegu

The US 5th Armored Regiment withdrew to the southern defense post of Waegwan on the Seoul-Daegu highway on the night of September 7th.

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