AM Scribbles Day 12 - Bold Frames Portrait

in art-series •  7 years ago 

AM Scribbles Day 12 - Bold Frames Portrait

Liquid acrylic and pen on 140lb paper

Pencil stage

Light sepia wash

Secondary sepia wash

We're all done here

Do you wear corrective lenses?
If so, do you prefer glasses or contacts?
Or have you undergone corrective surgery to eliminate your lens dependency?

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Alphabet Art Challenge Day 4 – Door
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I like contacts for vanity reasons and my horn rims for nerdy comfort purposes.

How do you feel about going under the laser?
I prefer glasses rather than contacts usually, probably because I've worn them for 20+ years. Yet I also like the ability to wear normal sunglasses when I go outside. The thought of a laser in my eye concerns me (what if I lose my better than perfect close-up vision?!?!?), regardless of how safe it is...And still I wonder what it would be like to live a life with perfect vision.
Thanks for playing! ☺

Nice, looks really great! I also have those same really expensive Micron pens!
I do wear glasses; i've never been able to put in contacts, someday I would love to have corrective eye surgery; I've had friends do it and they have nothing but great things to say about it.

Microns are a good investment, IMO. They aren't waterproof, but it's been my experience the Microns last longer and are way less expensive than the everything-proof Copic multi-liners.

Contacts are relatively new for me...sometimes I still pinch/scrape my eyeball with my fingernails when I take them out. Never a good sensation! Glasses are definitely in my comfort zone. I have also heard nothing but praise for surgery, but still I have my concerns. You go first!

they are a good investment, very high quality. I've never tried the Copic multi-liners, but if they have the Copic name I bet they are expensive!
If I had the $ I would have already done it!

This drawing looks so nice! I really like glases, so bad that I son't need them xD

You can still wear cute frames with no prescription ;)

This is really amazing.
The shadows on face and blouse is excellent and I've never really been able to draw hair very well. It's fascinating how you got it just right.
And... she kind of looks like my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Connell. That woman scared the hell out of me. LOL

Lol! Thank you for the glowing compliments ☺

For some reason the shading on the neck doesn't look right to me. Rather than skin it looks like some kind of clothing texture. It's the straight lines.

And about contacts, I personally hate them. I have trouble getting them out sometimes and I've even damaged my eye with scratching. I'm sure I'll get laser someday, as I also don't like glasses as I like sports.

As far as the neck goes, you're right the straight lines do her no justice in that department. Lol I just scrolled up to look at it again, and now she kind of reminds me of DC's Scarecrow, or some Scarecrow-like hybrid. That's funny.

Scratched eye injury - sounds painful!! I agree, sports and outdoor activities are another great reason to ditch glasses. However, contacts are not perfect either. It has been my experience that contacts can be a hassle in smoky, windy, or low humidity conditions.

Thanks for your comment and criticism ☺

No problem, I like the hair and the glasses. Eyecatching.

Well I must be honest, the pain is there but it's small so messing with contacts is no joke. It doesn't take much to get permanent damage. If you feel any kind of sharp pain, stop immediately. Lesson for my earlier self, haha.

Now I have been learning a totally new technique of taking contacts of and it's far better for me and safer.

this is the method. It doesn't work as flawlessly for me yet but I'm getting there.

Thanks for sharing!! Although watching the colored lenses come out was a little freaky at first, it looks a lot easier than fingertips/nails. I'll give it a go this evening.

I hope it works for you, my eyeball is in so deep that I have hard time opening my eye enough and getting my fingers in there too so I kind have to use one finger to move the contact. I rarely use contacts so I don't get the practice I need.

I must say, what you call scribbles rather blows me away, but I suppose life is relative in most arenas. Your drawings are so spot on and amazing.

As for eye-wear, I just need reading glasses, and have been lucky in this department to date (knock on one HUGE tree or other wooden surface).
I can relate though, the idea sounds great to have the surgery, but the details can be scary. I have a couple of friends that are older, and they had it, and it worked great for them. But as you say, a tough choice.

What a touching compliment, thank you!
Yes, when it comes to our vision, decisions like these are tough to say the least. And perhaps that's where faith, or lack thereof, steps in. I am also one to get caught up in the details of things. Thankfully, the most serious surgery I have every undergone is a root canal. Details of the laser seem much more daunting.
Thanks again for stopping by ☺

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

And these are ''just'' your scribbles, looks really good! Those hairlines and the shading on it really stand out. As for glasses or lenses, I'm still not in the need of any. I can't really tell what would be more pleasant haha.

Thank you! I am looking forward to creating more fully developed work in 2018.

Consider yourself blessed to have your good vision! I can only imagine living that life ☺