AM Scribbles Day 14 – Notebook Doodle to Brighten A Dark Morning

in art-series •  7 years ago 

AM Scribbles Day 14

Due to a heavy fog and thunderstorm, this morning was unusually dark and gloomy.
Nothing like a carefree doodle to brighten the mood!

No pencil start, straight to watercolor brush markers to simulate a piece of notebook paper.




All done!

How do you fend off gloomy days?
Is fog a common weather condition where you live?
What's the worst weather you have personally encountered?

Recent AM Scribbles
AM Scribbles Day 13 - H Doodles

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Thanks for stopping by! See you again soon for AM Scribbles Day 15.

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I love the way you build up geometrical patterns in levels and layers - starting with the paper!

Thank you. I find this to be a really good warm-up for me. Stimulating and relaxing at the same time.

What do you like to do to warm up before you start writing a story or a longer work? What is a writing equivalent to doodling? Or are you so seasoned you've outgrown the need to warm up before you start?☺

Seasoned? Me? Bless you, but I think you've overestimated my powers.

Physically moving the hands seems to make a difference, for sure. For some reason Writer's Block goes away if I'm scribbling in a notebook, even if I have to start with "Here I am staring at this blank piece of paper again and I wonder what I should have for lunch ... " Eventually the ideas start to come faster than the hand can go, and then I can switch back to the computer (or typewriter.)

Do you plan these works out or just make them up as you go along?

And who are HB and PB?

I see, once the hands start acting like it's time to write the brain steps in to do its part.

Sometimes I fill up a few (or more) pages like this one, making it all up as I go, mixing letters with abstract elements with faces or forms. And from those pages and pages of scribbles I usually take elements I like and put them into a more structured composition.

HB and PB are the initials for the pet names @jschindler and I have for each other.

And here I thought it was a tribute to HB pencils and... um, Pb as the chemical symbol for lead?

The truth is far sweeter!