These Diego Rivera Murals from the 1930s seem to be more relevant today! I never appreciated them until now! (He was Frida Kalo's Husband)

in art •  7 years ago  (edited)

This Fresco looks even more modern than it is! the machines look so technologically advanced...Its amazing just how old modern industry really is!

Titled Man at the CrossRoads...and then when it was taken down by Nelson Rockefeller Rivera re painted it from the single photo copy he had, re did it in Mexico, colorized it and renamed it "Man, Controller of the Universe"

As it was shown in the movie Frida and Cradle will Rock, this mural which was commissioned and then ordered to be destroyed by Nelson Rockefeller because of its communist have to wonder if Diego Rivera was aware of the Rockefeller influence on the creation of Communist Russia and Lenin's Train of Gold! This piece of radical art was unwavering in its existence and paid the price for it! Thankfully Diego Rivera was able to get a photographic copy and repaint it and colorize it! And honestly all that matters is that there exists at least one copy somewhere! To us it doesnt matter if the original was destroyed, we still get to see it on its full glory! and I dont necessarily agree with the artists leftist socialist views but I have to understand that this was the 1930s and to be fair, communism hadn't killed hundreds of millions yet, and Stalins Purges were going on in the highest secrecy and socialism and communism was in vogue back then! And so I understand why people were into socialism back in the 1930s when it seemed capitalism really was failing large sections of humanity...but we simply needed better technology to make life better for more people!

And this one is just so detailed and satisfying to look at!

"Panel 1: The Creative Genius of the South Growing from Religious Fervor and a Native Talent for Plastic Expression"
It is explained on this website here with many of the quotes from Diego Rivera himself, it is a mix of the old world and the new! A mix of the old aztec world and the new technolgical world, and Rivera was a big fan of movies and thought of them as the frescos of the modern world, and also things we take for granted like automobiles were seen as almost magical back then! And Diego Rivera marveled and appreciated the technological advancements of the North that enriched the south! A total contrast to the anti capitalist ant technology brainwashing my teachers tried to put in my head in jr high and high school about how his murals represented the evils of white people contaminating some pure pre columbian Rivera admired the modern world....people didnt see industry as some sort of polluting nasty dirtty thing they saw it as a way for people to make a living and a way for people to get acccess to things they could never afford before!

Aparently this Aztec Poet King designed a flying machine that Rivera featured in his mural!

Another Aztec Mural that actually shows some negative characteristics of the indigenous culture like the blood sacrifices seen here

And here is one wiith a funy and fitting name for the crypto currency world!

LOL cant freeze my bitcoin! But wow this art really opens my eyes to how people were viewing their existence back in the mid 20th century! Which to them must have seemed just as futuristic as how 2017 seems to us now! Except maybe even more so back then because we have gotten actually used to our technology, weve had cars and airplanes for over a century now and PCs have been around since the 70s!

This Detroit Factory Mural REALLy gets the point across with technology being a god send!

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