Learning Caricature Art #1

in art •  7 years ago  (edited)

Caricature is the art of illustrating a subjects' features through exaggeration or extreme simplification. We can see presence of caricatures in our daily lives, as street art, in magazines, books and even as comic representations in newspapers.

I had never tried making caricatures before but recently me and @ayushijain were hired for a small project of making 2 caricatures for a couple. This actually made me want to learn caricature and yep, I really loved doing it! I found them to be quick and fun and rejuvenating :) I also made some caricatures for practice before jumping into the final one, which the client also happened to like.

This was my first attempt ever at making a caricature and hope you like it!

Final draft for the illustration


One of the few attempts before the final draft

WhatsApp Image 2017-08-25 at 10.49.42 PM.jpeg

Original Picture

WhatsApp Image 2017-08-24 at 10.19.34 PM.jpeg

Keep Creating

Lots of Love <3

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Caricature is so different from watercolor, but you have obvious skill in both areas!

In my opinion, caricatures are more difficult than other methods of portrait drawing because with caricature you have to really refine the essence of your subject in a few "simple" lines, rather than the fine-tuning allowed in more traditional portraits.

Keep drawing!! I bet when you combine your watercolor with caricature, you'll make great art :-D

Yes, it sure requires a lot of practice. But it is so much fun to manipulate photos into caricatures :D

Thank you for your support @enternamehere! :)

hey! good first attempt! You should give this another shot and I think with some practice you'll do great! :)

Thank you so much!

Better than what I can do. I can draw portraits and all but when it comes to caricatures.... I suck haha. I always make them look way to goofy and they dont resemble the person. Thats the hard part. So far youre on the right track! Keep it up aishwarya! Once you get it down the coloring is gonna be the other obstacle :)

Hahaha I know right! That's one of the biggest reasons why I had never tried caricatures. But once I did, it was fun!
I haven't even thought about colouring yet though :P
Thanks a lot!

your first attempt is really good, if you keep practicing you will be great.

Thanks a lot, I hope so too! :D

Looks like a cartoon.. But great job drawing it.

How long have you been drawing?

Painting/sketching in general?

Heheh thank you! Drawing as in?

ha h a, brilliant Job

Thanks a lot!

your draw looks like a picture of you.


Hi aishwarya you make me wake up i like your drawing so iam like you love draw but i like to draw cartoon you can teach me how can i draw with best methods or any ideas for draw a nice optimos cartoon 😘

Hehe thank you, actually I am learning from tutorials on youtube too!

oooh i love caricatures! happy to see a lot of artists in the community!

Thank you so much! :) yes, me too!

I like it :)

Thanks a lot!

Ha ha...nice

Thanks a lot :)

All the best @aishwarya.
Have a nice day ...

Thanks a lot @motivator :)

This is really well done! Especially since it is your first try at it. Great !! You should do more! :-) voted+followed. see your around!

Thanks for the encouragement :)
see you too!

Haha, I love it! Glad you added the picture - I recognized him instantly!

Hahah yeah I thought it would help, lol :P

You're welcome!

Great job!. I would love to know how to do this.

I watched a couple of videos in order to understand and there is loads to learn!