there is a romanian tag on steemit ?????yesss Danube Delta photos & inspired art (creative commons)

in art •  7 years ago 

Dear steemians, I want to introduce to you a magical place, a natural peace of heaven on earth.
The Danube Delta, Romania.


It may seem like an exaggeration, “peace of heaven on earth” and it is a personal statement, but, for me that is exactly what it is.
I am so lucky to be able to stay there for a few weeks every summer and absorb all the inspiration that this vast and complex natural environment has to offer. For me it is a sanctuary of peace, inspiration and 12/14 hours of painting a day with no responsibilities and external fass.
The Danube Delta is unique in the world being declared a biosphere reserve. An exotic land, where you can see over 1830 species of trees and plants, over 2440 species of insects, 91 species of mollusks, 11 species of reptiles, 10 amphibian species, 320 bird species,and 133 species of fish in its waters, which are an important source of food for birds and aquatic mammals as well as an important scientific and economic resource. Many of these species are declared unique species and monuments of nature.”
Translated from:

I will not pretend I knew the exact number of species, and I am myself impressed by the numbers but I definitely felt an abundance of life and virgin wilderness every time I visited.
The place I go to is a small village called Sf. Gheorghe that has the smallest population density in the hole country and can be accessed only by boat.
So no cars. Everywhere you wanna go, you either walk float or fly :) If you wanna carry big canvases, cintiq tablet, paints and easel, you may have to contact a village taxi, but don’t worry the locals will jump to help.


Watching the houses and the people here , you get the sense that the time stood still, not much technological advancement and you will forget soon haw living in an urban landscape feels like. At night you can see the entire milky way due to the lack of pollution and artificial illumination.
Also the locals service holyday housing, traditional fish meals and boat rides for tourists, but although there is so much to see and do here the tourist are scarce.
The village is patched with lakes and canals that display breathtaking floating vegetation and birds accompany you along your boat rides.
There is a site where the sea meets the delta and it forms overlapping waves in a beautiful symmetry. The beaches here still preserves the charm of a virgin place, the sand is untouched, only the wind creates amazing wavy patterns that you will regret stepping on to.
And sunsets are just so beautiful …
Fisherman and bird watchers come here from all over the world but I think it is a great place for artists too.
Some of the art I posted in my blog was created during my stays in Sf Gheorghe , but today I want to share art that was particularly inspired by this natural wonder and lots of photos to prove it’s beauty :)

I will include this post in creative commons license tag so you can use all the photos in your posts or to reference them for paintings and drawings if you wish so :)










And now my inspired art :)
acrylic on canvas 60/20 cm






This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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Wow,,,,amazing post, good job and good luck.

Hey! Nice to see a fellow Romanian on Steemit. Great idea to promote the Delta and please post more of your artwork, it's very tasteful.
(am zis că nu scriu pe română ca să nu-nțelegem doar noi :D )

he he si ce , coreeni ne-au loat-o inainte si si-au facut si steemitul lor :))thanks for appreciating

Frumos articol Alexandra, vad ca esti de ceva vreme pe steem. O comunitate de Romani aici exista banuiesc. Poate ma ajuti si pe mine sa ma integrez. I love the Danube delta ... si am si o barcuta cu care mai vin prin zona .. it one of the most beautiful places on earth, mai ales ca a am copilarit partial si prin Dobrogea. Si cum o mana spala pe alta daca ai nevoie de ceva din spatiul German, I speak German very well si te ajut cu drag :)

ha ha , noi ne putem ajuta , dar cu mainile- le avem curate deja :P
Eu sunt din Rm Valcea , stau in Bucuresti si am pe cineva in Delta la Sf Gheorghere :)
Abia am aflat si eu ca exitsta tag "romania" eu am interactionat mult in comunitatea de artisti aici, dar asta este cheia succesului pe steemit - interactiune :)

Partea artistica la mine nu este chiar cea mai dezvoltata, dar sper sa pot puncta la subiectul comunicare. Sunt foarte interesat de evolutia platformei Ethereum, si o consieder o revolutie poate putin greu de intels deocamdata de masa larga. Mie personal mi-a trebuit o saptamana si sa o intelg dar cred ca se poate explica mult mai usor. Daca vi din sfera artistica nu te-ar interesa sa lucram la un film de prezentare in 2-3 minute a avantajelor platformei in limba Romana ?

tot asta se incearca si cu slothicorn si crypto art, suntem o comunitate care creem cryptoart si o sharuim pe gratis legal cu CreaticeCommons license ca oricine sa o poata folosi pentru articole educative si informative
slothicorn welcome.jpg

@rainsa cryptoart series.jpg mic.jpg

super tare !

te rog citeste articolul asta (sari peste cateva greseli de scriere si exprimare-mai fac genul asta de greseli )ideea e ca personalitatea me artistica nu ma lasa uneori sa inteleg lucruri foarte technice exacte si simplificate, mie imi trebuie povestea intreaga, filosofia si arta ca sa inteleg chestii, iar ideea mi se pare extraordinara si pentru mine sa o inteleg si sa invat , si daca din asta mai invata si altii e genial

asa ca am mai forst implicata in genul asta initiative dar nu in romana inca

si pentru o chestie de genul asta consider ca ar fi mai util sa comunicam cu whatsapp sau facetime audio pentru ca imi e greu sa fiu atenta la toate notificarile si maoboseste foarte tare

Exista o modalitate de privat chat pe steemit ceva de genul @numeletau ? Trimie-mi nr tau la @morris777 daca sti cum si putem continua pe Whatsapp.

lumea de pe steemit discuta pe dicord mult

Supppper Art😁😁

thank you, are you from Romania, or are you actually from the moon, if that is true I wanna come visit :P

yes i live in moon... come😁😁😁

come on tell me, I made the post to find some fellow Romanians :P

So beutiful <3

thank you I see you have a lot of talent, hope to hear some of your music and tattoos soon :*

The art is awesome. I love it!

thank you :) hope to see some of yours too

I'm more into comic art. Here is my latest artwork. More will come. By the way, nice to know you @alexandravart. :)

So cool, you should follow trial by comics :)

Here you can see my trip to the Malaysia comic event. :)

Its really easy to see the beauty of nature in your artwork. I love the chocie of location and colours, it creates a unique appeal.

thank you @animagic :)

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Looks like a beautiful place and I love how it inspired your paintings. Hey I wanted to thank you for resteeming the Draw Better Today post you did earlier. I actually thought it was yours at first.

I'm going to be doing a personal post on some of my old stuff, but wanted to share something with you, from one wanna-be artist to a true artist. Hope you don't mind.

also stared on captain log design yesterday, but did just a bit on it -will do it tomorrow


THIS IS AWESOME! I cannot draw females very well. Need to do a lot more practice, also can't do everything so need to pick my top priority stuff.

this is so cool, did you joined discord? you are creative -you are an artist not a wanna be, join discord or let's chat somewhere, I can give you some cool pdf art resources

I have to do a phone call with my marketing guy, but I will join and reach out to you. Looking forward to chatting more... That pic is going to be great!

sfeos capitan log 1.jpg

I'm speechless....just wow!

Your work is so intricate. Such a rich and beautiful colour palette too, you've inspired me :)

oo thanky , your work is so impressive too, can wait for you to post more, welcome to steemit

So ethereal. Thanks so much, I feel very welcomed haha