Lord James in Pastel

in art •  8 years ago 


I enjoy the beauty of speed in art, but I'm usually slow. That's why I love using chalk pastels on canvas and for some unknown reason I'm really fast with them. I keep telling myself, I should paint more like the Pre-Raphaelite painter John Everett Millais before his marriage (later he would be faster to support his family), who would painstakingly paint every little detail. Something I admire and very much enjoy in art. But like everything else; it has two sides to it. The beauty of speed in art, getting all those feelings and ideas out rapidly, but also the magic that would charm many Picassos everywhere. I don't dislike Picasso, I rather like him. But I just fall for stuff like Leo Reiffenstein's The banquet of Heliogabalus , something I aim to get anywhere close to someday.
Here's both the oil sketch and final from 1891



And here's my absolute favorite painting, The Souls of Acheron - 1898 by Adolf Hirémy-Hirschl. It pushes all my buttons.


At the moment I'm focusing on portraits, Guess it's a dream within a dream, but I won't burst this bubble. I just need time. But I guess I'm aiming for art that pushes all buttons. Thank you for all your comments! I will reply, I'm just too slow

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Those are glorious pieces of art. I've never seen them before today. My life is enriched on this day.