The MoonsteemCreated with Sketch.

in art •  7 years ago 

Following the presentation of my Tarot series,
or the Anibas Tarot deck, we now face The Moon.

The Moon, Tarot painting by Sabina Nore

The Moon


Lack of clarity/obscured vision. Twilight.
The path is there, but a lot about is not clear. Possibility of hidden danger but also romanticism and unrealistic ideas. Overall, it creates a space for confusion but also imagination and fantasy.

Regarding the hero's journey

To reach the goal of higher consciousness, the hero must make his way through this forbidding landscape. All around are illusions and deceptions which tempt the hero into wild imaginings and fantasies. It’s hard to know what is real and what isn’t. The hero must stick to the narrow path and not get distracted from his goal. He is being tested.

The Moon is a warning to not get caught in fantasy and self-deception as an escape from the world of reality. If the hero wanders from the path he may get lost in the land of the dead. His consciousness will be invaded by destructive forces from the unconscious and the journey will be over.

To fail at this point means getting stuck in an endless dark night. There is only one way out – follow the narrow path. The Buddhists would say follow the Middle Way. In other words, don’t be drawn into dissolution (self-destructiveness) or fantasy (narcissism), and remember this journey is not about boosting your ego but transcending it.

Source: Tarot Hero’s Journey: The Moon

♫ Aural associations ♪ ♩

The music of this Tarot card. Please note: The titles of the selected songs are irrelevant, it is about the vibrations of the music compared to the vibrations of the card. These are personal choices.
Togntale by Wardruna

Anibas Tarot deck

Sabina Nore
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I can't recall if you were specifically following a Jungian approach but the absence of traditional symbolism is notable, once again. Here we definitely find a third eye path leading out of the subconcious realm, out of dead thought, discarding the domestic and wild side for a spiritual fertility.
Mystical and effective (gets straight to the heart of that eye!).

Thank you so much for your reply.

The Tarot series is completely different than my other paintings.
So, while the cards can certainly be analyzed or meditated on, and I am always interested and curious to hear views and interpretations, the ultimate goal with the cards was to transmit their essence or core on an intuitive level, almost instantaneously. Judging by your comment, it sounds like I did alright here. :) Thank you!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

As man’s anima and woman’s animus, The Moon card illuminate this reflection of anima in animus and vice versa. When these polarites are harmonized it is possible to accept self and another human being as it is. After that, working on all other personal shadows is much easier. It is like revealing a kind of inner truth that has always been there waiting to be recognized in order to support other neutralizations of polarities. Beautifully done.

Love the illustration, so Ethereal and haunting. I am not familiar with Wardruna music but I must because they play jouhikko an instrument I am learning plus they have a side project with some friends of mine.

Thanks @yidneth

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

its a phishing scam, dont click it,,, and really, give up already you lifeless loser, go do something useful and hang yourself instead of trying to scam people, your mother should have had a abortion