[EN]Tips for the Artist - Creative Ways of Studying

in art •  7 years ago  (edited)

There is a Point in Arts Where You Have to Make Your Own Studies... But What to Do?

This is something I've been struggling for quite a lot of time. And I want to also share with you why...

See, visual arts/design is a little bit different from music in some aspects. For instance, when you are learning your instrument you pretty much have a master for learning to do better in practically in every corner out there. Of course,
some better than others, but relative to the arts, most of them have an average good level.

This is something completely different in terms of visual arts.

There is literally no good teachers of art out there, because those very few ones that are good at it, they don't mostly teach, they work from it by producing. Not only to get better paid, but also they choose this life instead teaching because it allows them (us) to get better at arts thanks to constant practice and studying.

There are good art teachers out there. But most of them are in remote places (for most of us, such as States, Europe, etc.). Yet (luckily enough) now a days we got internet and thanks to it we can enjoy those classes from one part of the world to another. But yes, they are expensive as hell.

So, the most viable solution for those poor bastards such as myself is to go to Schoolism and buy old courses. Check the classes and correct your own homework with other peeps'.

How to make an interesting exercise for yourself?

It's not as hard as it sounds. The first thing to consider here is that if it is an exercise or practice, your should make it according to your needs. Let's talk about my needs here as an example.

I always lacked A LOT of skills for drawing and doing a proper line-art.

Starting line-art (left) VS. final painting(right).

I always did a base for rapidly getting into the painting stage and fix any issue that may appear right there.
And even if the final result was amazing, to be honest, I also want to deliver a proper line-work since the beginning.

I also know that I don't lack (thaaaaat much) of skills but rather of the style for doing it so. And it takes time of practice before getting into the right path of the style. After a while I believe that the difference will be clear, and people will be able to see it and appreciate it.

But how to do such thing?

There are many artists that I deeply admire. And some of those is particularly for the work of lines. I took three of them and imitated their style into the sketch i did of this Conan-looking-orc.

This is something much better than just copy their drawings because this forces me to re-think about what they did and why twice.


Let me describe you what was going on here:

After finishing the sketch I made I tried to imitate few of my fav artists regarding to sketch/painting/drawing style... Qiu Fang (1), Moby Francke (2) and Even Mehl Amundsen (3).

Then took a moment to realize wtf just happened and made a last version mixing all of them and calling it "mine" (4).

Pretty simple!


To be honest I love the organic feeling it gives. I think a whole new world just opened. Not to say that the work of lines looks pretty much WAY BETTER than those thick lines i was doing originally. And all this was for realizing that I have a big gap and lack in my line-art.

So this is the best way you have for getting better in your profession: Just find where is your weakest point (or ask to someone you trust about it) and then find those examples that you like at most, push the limits the extreme!

For instance, I know that I could do well with my previous way of drawing, but it is not in my nature to stay one or another way... I need to constantly get over myself and get better and better and better! And if you are planning the same for yourself, then count on my for helping you out ;)

Thanks a lot for your support and I see you in the next one!

(All the images are my own creation and therefore I own their rights)


I always try to listen to the ideas of my fellow followers to improve my posts and to give something back to the community... therefor: What would you like the next posts to be about? What should I talk about? What kind of painting? Would you like some tutorials about arts, about cooking? Maybe some fresh gaming broadcast? I would love to know!

I apologize if I don't reply to your message. Sometimes I can't find enough time for it. But you can be sure that I will read it!


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Beautiful .. I liked your vision
Well done .. for more creativity
Great post

Wow you are so talented! I just found your work and really hope to see more in the future! Keep up the good work!

Thanks a lot buddy!

Hello! I saw this publication and it caught my attention.
I agree with you that there are no good art teachers there, I am not good at digital art, I specialize more in works with graphite. I have several friends who ask me to teach them how to draw but I really do not know how to teach, no matter how much I try I end up doing the work and nobody understands me. I think I'm not good at teaching. Nor did anyone teach me, what I do was learning with practice and very rarely I search the internet how to do something, I think it is more insttion and good eye. Just practice and nothing else. I congratulate you for your work is excellent and I invite you to visit my blog, maybe you see interesting techniques and we can exchange ideas! Greetings.

Absolutely, you can either go one or another way, but it is always good to have someone that knows telling you what you are lacking or what are the things you are just missing a little bit more than others... so you can practice those things that you are not that good at ;)

I ll give it a look =)

conan + orc = orcan =D love the way ur piece turned out at the end
i also try to mix dif style together to push my own which works quite well especially lately i made a good improvement which im proud of
the moment u always struggled with something and suddenly it makes a "click" and everything from now on seems so easy

Yeah! I am looking for that god damn click still! :P

pokes by watching at ur skill u heard that couple times alrdy !

Wow these are really great ... yes there aren't great teachers of art out there... I believe art is all about practice and practice and practice ...no artist is 100 percent complete ...he or she is always lacking in one aspect or the other ...but practice make perfect!!!!

I absolutely agree with you, practice takes you further, but also good guidance... if we practice in the wrong way, we will probably not get that good as we expect ;)

Yes you are right ... practice without guidance is like a longer route

@anritco you think you need to improve? Man, i can only draw stick figures, and even those look bad xD i have 0 artistic skill :D at least i compensate with my good look... nope don't have that either

Oh man, I feel i need to improve SO much... when you see the work of other artists such as Even Mehl Amundsen then you understand how much I still need to learn D:

Really like your work!

Muchas gracias querido

Great post.such a beautiful art.everyone will be like on this.keep it up.this post is benefited to all.keep sharing.thank you.go on.go aheadko

Thanks a lot @ausharya!

dear @anritco your good post... i like your all post... I look forward to every one of your #post..thank you so very much for #sharing..
sir please upvote me

Thanks buddy =)

character inspired from ... heiachi ... i guess

not really, it s just an orc giving the back to the viewer =)

thank you friends have shared the post, may you success is always friends

@anricto ..... Thankyou for sharing all this.....great work and the tips are great for artists.. kindly keep on sharing in future too.

I like sma posting you my vote and follow@anricto

I always find this type helpful article, because I'm a designer. Always thinking about creativity.

wow, this art is so attractive and great. THANKS for sharing

Thats right. Gotta work those weaknesses. I find that working on smaller images allows me to do many more drawings in a shorter period of time to really work something out.

I feel like one of my biggest weaknesses is range of value still. I usually am either missing my lightests lights or my darkest darks.

Wow nice post

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”

Habits of people who are skilled art is not he learn from the teacher but a hobby that makes him popular, thank you

woow amazin draws, upvote :D I also draw, please view my draws, I hope that will u like it

Scrolling through trying to find similar interests and just ran across you. Very cool!!

I totally agree with you at the point that visual arts/ designs are different and harder than other arts.. I believe that you should have some inspiration and have some inborn skills for this. It can't be taught to somebody else 100 percent.

There is no society ever discovered in the remotest corner of the world that has not had something that we would consider the arts. Visual arts - decoration of surfaces and bodies - appears to be a human universal. And about your art I think it has quality.

See, it s not about art itself, It s about competitive art in a world that has such competitive industry of arts.

Buen trabajo el que hiciste en tu blog. Me gusto mucho.


this is gem man :)

Very cool! I'm an artist as well. :)

Biasa aja, saya kagum sama anda

thanks for shearing.
and only for you sirDQmPUA43V3SGiCLXSLm4n2ivQrhas6auMzjTDJqzmXPJxoG.jpeg