Steemit member paintings #7 - SEAN KING & STEEMED-OPEN

in art •  7 years ago 

Steemit member paintings #7

@sean-king and @steemed-open

Hello Steemians,

I am really happy to share this painting. No, it's not because it I think it is well done - I actually would change the colors and add more gold elements like I did with the painting of @pharesim. I am happy because I painted two steemians which supported me a little bit when I came here last year. When Sean and Steemed-open voted for my posts and even commented them, I got motivated to do more and still I am very grateful for it! So thanks to you two!!

Here is my small appreciation made with watercolors on heavy watercolor paper. I hope you guys like it :-)

All the best, Martin

Hallo Steemians,

Es freut mich, dass ich das folgende Bild mit euch teilen kann. Nicht weil ich es sehr gut gelungen finde - eigentlich würd ich die Farben sogar ändern und mehr Goldanteile mit reinbringen wie es mit dem Bild von @pharesim gemacht habe. Es freut mich deshalb, weil ich zwei Steemians gemalt habe, die mich von Anfang an immer wieder mal unterstützt haben, was mich definitiv sehr motiviert hat. In diesem Sinne - Danke an euch beide. Das Bild ist eine kleine Wertschätzung gemalt mit Aquarellfarben auf schwerem Aquarellpapier. Alles Beste, Martin

Currently I am a self-taught artist, but I have the vision to absolve an accurate painting academy. So I highly appreciate every support from you guys on my journey becoming a professional painter. I would be more than happy, if you want to add me to your automatic voting list or if you RESTEEM my post!

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I love it. You are very talented. Thank you!

Thank you Sean! I am glad, that you like it and thanks a lot for the appreciation!!!

Thanks for sharing this amazing writing art

Great art..I appreciate this art.
Thanks for sharing valuable content.Best of luck.
Keep it up....