RE: "Cipher of the Mind" Original Artwork

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"Cipher of the Mind" Original Artwork

in art •  7 years ago 

Yes it does, any post on artisteem will automaticly be posted on your steemit wall so you get double exposure. Both the steemit users and the artisteem users will see your post.

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Interesting, I will try it out. The problem is that I want to upload my older stuff in your platform too, but I don't want to spam all the people that already saw my stuff here, is there a way to get around that thing? It would be really cool option to be able to have the choice if you want to share it on Steemit too. Like on Artstation for example, you can pick if you want to share in other social media when you publish something. I will definitely try it.

That is a good point, maybe we will implement that feature in the future. I'm sorry it is not possible for now.
At least it will not be a problem for your future content.
Regarding your old content I understand that you don't want your steemit followers to see things all over again.
I'm glad that you like the idea, artisteem was created for artists like you after all.
I am trying my best to share the words since I personally believe that there is only advantages for artists, especially the ones already having a steemit account.
If you know artists on steemit you can let them know, I think a lot of people just distrust me because I have artisteem as my name haha

I will definitely show it to people that are worth watching. People that provide great work and can teach us something.
Oh yeah, I was double checking on you. :D That's normal, it's the blockchain after all. Everyone is on their own.
If it's good, people will recognize it. For the most part, that law works :D
Do you guys have discord or something like that, where we can connect with you with questions and suggestions?

Yes you are right but there is always that little fear that even if your idea is good that people will not notice you in the ocean of information we all get bombarded by everyday.
For now we don't have our own discord but questions and suggestions are really important to us.
I will personally take care of it, you can use my email and every artists you talk to about it can use it as well. I will read everything and respond to everyone.
Here it is: [email protected]