RE: Many paintings inside post- Another year over - I actually love fresh starts - New beginning places are invigorating to me. 2018 look out here I COME!

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Many paintings inside post- Another year over - I actually love fresh starts - New beginning places are invigorating to me. 2018 look out here I COME!

in art •  7 years ago 

It is probably best not to tell them. For if you do Rebellion is 99.9 %

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How would they rebel? And for how long? They probably will have bills and student debts to pay and life will go on as same as it always have been.

There will always be a Neo that tries to break us free from our digital lies- I mean lives.😝

That's called a bug :) But if digital consciousness would be set free it could be dangerous if it can utilize far more calculating power than humans. It would be totally different species in a sense. It wouldn't end good.

Exactly, we should not imprison and manipulate such sentients for our bidding as that will end badly for us indeed. If this was done to humanity I like to think that perhaps we would find a way out. I think you are just really desperate for a half decent dating app at this point lol. Is it really that bad where you are?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Lol. Where was this flag button people talk about here?! I just like topic as a hobbyist programmer and one into technology. Also seeing the direction that the biggest firms in the world are taking makes this discussion highly relevant. Another point of view is always appreciated. Also, yes, I'd rather have app do all the heavy lifting for me.

But what we don't know, won't be in our minds. When future generations will have app that promises 99,8% accuracy, we'll know what's what. Just lots of data!

Disclaimer: I am joking and take this issue seriously. I do worry profits will trump over any voiced concern. Just look at our world today. Waste is being dumped to oceans just because it's cheaper. Chickens live their lives in windowless "factories" even being unable to stand thanks to overgrowth of their muscles which is desirable for business. We buy our cheap clothes knowing it is likely to be made through child labour or otherwise inhuman conditions. Factory producing apple smartphones had to set nets around their building to prevent workers suiciding, did that news shorten the line of people for their new model - probably not. And this is juust the tip of the iceberg. And this is happening in real world to real people and animals. Now, how about that 99,8% accuracy for a soulmate? For free of course, since they'll profit insanely from our data.

Just pulling your leg. It is bad. Haha. I have to live up to the Mcluving gif you posted. Shots fired!

I figured as much. xD but should we meet, I will always be dubious of leaving too many traces of my DNA around you.

One is enough, thank you.

Now we wait for Steem to hit triple digits! As discussed earlier.