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nice portrait there. I am running out of time, I have been on here for stupi hours and the dogs are going crazy.
But just a note to let you know I like this and am following you to see it develop, and yourself.
Do you do other work apart from realism?

I go crazy doing realistic work too long in a row (three months for example) and have to mix it up with my #abstractpointlessism

Hey that actually worked, shame I haven't used that tag too many times yet.

Still a newbie here, but it's exciting to see some artists with talent.

gotta run

Oh yeah - I do comics stuff too. I do a lot of abstract stuff in this steemit account as well. Check out some of my earlier feed from a month or so ago and you can see some big dumps of work besides the realism. I got into realism quite young so it goes fast for me. I actually find it more time consuming to break from the realism sometimes as a good "style" is just as demanding in time as my realism.

Wow! This is so great. I can tell you really understand the concept of shading and highlights that make this picture look so much like a photograph! I wish I had the talents to do realism like you did! Lovely sketch. :)

It just takes doing it day in and day out...and like swimming/musical instruments/lifting weights it gets better over time with each session/practice. Just gotta commit to that 2 hours a day stuff for a stretch. Going back to life studies and focusing on peoples faces or sections of the face for a couple months. Realism isn't half as hard as committing to a certain style of work (lIke manga) So if you can do manga you have the wherewithal for realism too -of this I have no doubt.

But It always comes.

You could do this too - just not right now but with time you could. I have faith that you could do this too if it was really what you wanted to do.

I too am not at a level where I would like to be...but one day. Give me time. ;)

Wow, I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for this really thoughtful and detailed post! You words really give me hope that maybe one day I can achieve realism too. :) Thank you!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

A good book to pick up from the library is "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" By Betty Edwards

It heavily focuses on realism and life study and gives you tricks and tips in drawing an image the way it truly is instead of drawing what we think we see.This is the main book I recommend to most people if detailed stuff is what they are into. This book will level you up fast.

AMAZING @artwatch ^ ^

Thats a nice sketch!

Thanks errymil

This looks too real o.O It looks like his face is popping out of the picture just to look at us. Great Job

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment