Wedding hire, pre-wedding and reception dresses (Sewa-menyewa baju nikah, pra-wedding dan baju pesta resepsi)

in art •  7 years ago 

Hai steemian semua, apakabarnya. Tentu dalam keadaan sehat kan.
Pada kesempatan ini, ada yang ingin saya promosikan.

Hi steemian all, apakabarnya. Of course in good health right.
On this occasion, there is something I want to promote.

Mungkin diantara kalian ada yang berniat melepaskan masa jomblo kalian dengan pasangan yang selama ini idamkan. Nah dalam keadaan ini, banyak hal yang harus kalian persiapkan misalnya persiapan Mahar bagi rekan yang pria, persiapan NA, persiapan hantaran, persiapan undangan, persiapan baju nikah, prawedding dan resepsi serta persiapan pelaminan dll.

Maybe there are some of you who intend to release your singles with a partner who had been wanting.
Well in these circumstances, many things you should prepare for example preparation Mahar for male colleagues, preparation of NA, preparation of delivery, preparation of invitations, preparation of marriage clothes, prawedding and receptions and preparations etc ..

Untuk persiapan mahar, saya tidak bisa bantu karena SBD saya masih sangat rendah he he he, terus kalau persiapan NA, itu sich urusannya KUA dimana kalian nikah nantinya, kalau persiapan kue hantaran, pernak-pernik hantaran dan undangan itu sich derita loe ha ha ha. nah kalau persiapan baju nikah, baju prawedding dan baju resepsi perkawinan serta pelamian, itu yang dapat saya bantu. Bantu sedia nyewain maksudnya. hi hi hi.

For the preparation of the dowry, I can not help because my SBD is still very low he he he, continue if the preparation of NA, that is KUA affair where you married later, if the preparation of delivery cake, the merchandise of delivery and the invitation is your business ha ha ha. if the preparation of marriage clothes, prawedding clothes and wedding receptions and matches, that's what I can help. Help make sense of it. hi hi hi.

Ya. Ditempat kami tersedia berbagai model dan warna baju nikah, baju pra-wedding dan baju adat Aceh serta pelaminan adat Aceh dalam berbagai warna dan kreasi. Jadi bila kalian ingin mempersiapannya sebaiknya dipersiapkan jauh-jauh hari agar tidak keteter pas mau hari-H. Soal harga gampang, bisa lobi-lobi dan cakologi he he he. Harga bersahabat kok.

Yes. In our place available various models and colors of wedding clothes, pre-wedding clothes and traditional customs of Aceh and the customs of Aceh in various colors and creations. So if you want to prepare it should be prepared well in advance so as not to overwhelmed fit to day-H. About the price is easy, can lobbies and seduce he he he. The price is very friendly.

Dan ini beberapa photo baju nikah, pra-wedding dan baju adat Aceh yang saya jepret-jepret dengan Hp OPPO S1 yang saya miliki.

And here are some photo of wedding dress, pre-wedding and Aceh traditional clothes that I snap-snap with Hp OPPO S1 that I have.

Ini baju baju nikah dan Pra-wedding bisa dipakai juga tuk wisuda dan yudisium lho.

This dress and marriage Pre-wedding can be used also tuk graduation and yudisium you know.














Terus yang dibawah ini adalah baju adat Aceh pria dan wanita, bisa dipilih model dan warna sesuai selera.

Continue below is the custom shirt of Aceh men and women, can be selected models and colors according to taste.












Tersedia juga baju untuk acara khitanan.

There is also a dress for circumcision ceremony.


Ini aksesories Kopiah dan Rencong

Bagi yang berminat dan suka dengan model dan warnanya jangan lupa vote, follow dan resteem ya. Ditunggu.

For those interested and like the model and color do not forget vote, follow and resteem yes. I'm waiting.

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Mantap that. Lon kaleuh kawen pumantong jeut pakek? 😁😁😁

Jeut. kawen sigo teuk he he he

pakek ju ureung sot-sot, kamoe yang galom bek na lee yang original :D

ha ha ha ha maka jih bek lalo le @bangmimi