Logo Contest, Now With More Steem!

in art •  7 years ago 

Pull one weed and the next thing you know, you have a garden!

At least, that's how the Ragtag Garden started - as a clean up project.

As the overgrowth gave way, I set aside the long un-used buckets from a previous attempt at container gardening and any other potentially salvageable items. The original intention for the buckets were as weights to hold the landscape fabric in place, 'til I could get some mulch on top of it as a weed barrier.

Then, I thought since the buckets would be sitting there for a while...

Might as well throw a few plants in the dirt and see what happens from there.

The firepit was finally back in business...

...complete with a test run!

And that's how the Ragtag Garden was born!

Considering the haphazard way it all came together, it did remarkably well!

Even down to producing a fall crop of radishes!

A few of the things didn't do so well - cabbages, brussels sprouts, peas and carrots. That's okay, because I can correct the mistakes next season.

Once the major work was done in the Garden, it was time to look at the rest of the yard.

There were two areas that needed immediate attention - a trio of raised beds and a space overtaken by grapevines I dubbed the Jungle. It was obvious I'd need to step up my game - so I Revved Up the Ragtag!

After all that progress in the yard and fifteen hundred followers here watching the process, it dawned on me that Ragtag had become my 'Brand'. This method of re-using and re-purposing items I already had on hand was being cheered on by a global community.

Going into the New Year, I think it's time to officially claim Ragtag as my Brand. Brands need logos. So, I'm offering 2 Steem and the SBD from the first announcement post when it pays out. (Follow that link to the rules.)

Entries MUST be posted in the comments of the original announcement.

Also, @mother2chicks has generously sweetened the pot by donating 2 more Steem to the winner. (Thanks for the boost!)

The contest deadline is in 4 days, so put on your thinking cap and get those digital doodads in gear.

Tinker, the Official Project Supervisor is anxiously awaiting your submissions!

Key Features in The Revved Up Ragtag Project.

Stay Tuned For The Next Installment - Coming Soon!

Latest episodes of the Ragtag Saga:
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 1
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 2
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 3
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 4
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 5
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 6
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 7
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 8
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 9
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 10

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Gardeners Badge created by @daddykirbs.

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You lil green thumb you! Can't wait to see what this year has in store! Hugs your way!

Lol! I'm sure trying. My mom was the true gardener in the family. I'm hoping some that rubbed off on me for next season. Add in your hugs and it's a sure winner!

Tinker, I have never heard of a dog named tinker. I love and want your fire pit. It's like one big soup canter over the fire. Bet you could make a mean pot of baked beans in that, there goes the homestead baker in me. LOL, The transformation of the land to harvest is refreshing. Carry on, would love to see the developments this summer. Please keep us in the loop my friend.

We're Tink's second home. Her first was a newly retired couple and they got waaaay too busy for a puppy. She was a year & half old when we got her. Her original name was Tinkerbell. Much too 'girly' for her personality, so we went with Tinker.

That pit is a doozy! I do have a cast iron Dutch Oven. Baked beans would be awesome and I've never tried them other than in a Crock Pot. I might have to give 'em go this summer. Food prepped over an open fire is the best!

Will do on progress reports! As a matter of fact, your concrete block raised beds were the start of the greenhouse plan. I may need lessons on power tools, but damn - I can stack block! Marry that to a hoop house and voila - greenhouse! I can barely wait to get started...

You have made such great progress since starting this process!

Like you,I will be adding WAY more containers and buckets this coming gardening season.

Thanks! It's definitely been an adventure. Lol!

There's always room for another container or two or twenty!

You made it happen so well done you :)

Thanks! It's getting there...

Look at how much you have done :)

Looking good! It is amazing what you can grow in buckets and tubs. Better do right now, you don't want the supervisor nipping at your ankles. I love fire pits, nothing is relaxing as sitting by the fire on a cool night and drinking your choice of beverage.

Thanks! The tub was new this year & I really like the increased area compared to the buckets. They'll all get a revamp come spring and you can be sure Supv. Tinker will be all up in the middle of it.

Here's a sample I captured when it was functional once again.

Thanks for the encouragement!

I need this in my back yard.

I love your ragtag garden and the idea of a logo contest is awesome!
I'm hoping it warms up soon. Hubby and I are planning on putting together a raised bed or two for our first year (in the new home) garden. I can't wait! :D

Thanks and, fingers crossed, there will be an entry or two.

We're getting a short reprieve this week after two weeks of highs barely reaching 20, then it's back to cold. I sure hope y'all get a break, too! Raised beds sure work well and I'll be on the lookout for your new setup!

Any news on takers out there aunt-deb? We have to get rag tag a badge of its own. Great inspirational post to get the artists minds working. 🐓🐓

Thanks! I was hoping seeing the whole story in one place would help with ideas.

And, we have our first taker - Michelle from @slhomestead! Yay!

We're off and running...

That’s great news. Can’t wait to see what she comes up with. 🐓🐓

Beautiful Garden, thanks for sharing. Is Tinker a Lhasa Apso?! I love those dogs they often have a demeanor of Yoda ❤️

Thanks! Yes, she is. Yoda is a good description most days. She does go into princess mode once in a while, which is fun. ;~D

Awh, how cute! 💋