Discover Your Body- Art Contest- My Entry/My Feet by @aysenurluk

in art •  7 years ago 

Charcoal on paper
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Hey, you did a great job! I would never manage to draw myself or my body parts so well lol! Well done!

Thank you so much :) dear @lianaakobian

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Really like this/your art alot. Btw I know why you got your 10 reputation score now. I do feel sorry for you but you did make a mistake by commenting on Mirandavp post saying it's a great post when she was talking about her dad in hospital clinging onto life and the awful treatment. Onceuponeatime down voted you as your comments was insensitive and not about what she wrote. Sorry you had to learn the hard way. Please read the post before commenting next time. Sorry that happened. Maybe if you apologies to onceuponeatime he might reconsider. As your a good person you just got slammed for your insensitive out of place spam comment. Sad.

Can't :( my foreign tongue is not very good. I must have misunderstood something. I'm so sorry.

I understand