in art •  6 years ago 

Welcome to Beastly Tales. Each has a message, a moral. All are meant to have an element of humour. Naturally, any names included do not depict real folk but are included as part of the joke.

All rights reserved.
(As with Beastly Banter Beastly Tales is written and illustrated by Richard Hersel.)

Thank you for your following.
Richard Hersel



Kelvin Kaleidoscope was holidaying at the beach,
When he glimpsed a tanned thigh, well out of reach.
He looked with keen interest at this thigh,
It brought back memories, made him sigh.
And then he turned his attention to the torso,
This resulted in him sighing, even more so.
The tanned expanse of very firm flesh,
Those bikini borderlines made him guess,
As to whether a sun lamp or the sun,
Had done the work from whence it’d begun.

Kelvin Kaleidoscope glimpsed his own mid-riff.
Pasty and pale, flabby not frail, in a miff,
At the very thought of flesh firmer than his.
How can I improve? He did then self-quiz.
I could run endlessly up and down the beach,
Touch my toes, many times, if I could reach.
Embark on a strict course of callisthenics,
“CARPE DIEM”, seize the day, improve photogenics!
As his day at the beach did progress,
His skin turned from very white, to red, what a mess!
Though bright red it may have become,
Still very flabby, especially around the tum!
“If I don’t have a Schwarzenegger look,”
“I can still lose weight, by hook or by crook!”
“Out with those burgers and French Fries,”
“Eat salad, the weight will melt before sore eyes.”
So that’s what he did, for a week at least,
Then succumbing weakly to a veritable feast!
A Super-Sized Burger Meal,
Satisfied a temporary appeal.
But then his inflated mid-riff bulge,
Told the world, he did indulge!
Hunger pangs did call most oft’,
Giving in he readily scoffed,
All manner of most unwise eats,
Mostly calorie rich, unnecessary treats!

works of the flesh.png

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What is funny about this or a lesson ? The lymrirc part was cool

Posted using Partiko Android

It's good to be healthy, but trying to look perfect and never being able to enjoy a treat is just a miserable existence. Very clever!

Very true comment. Thanks.