in art •  6 years ago 

Losing your marbles refers to going insane.

I have always liked marbles. As a kid I kept them in a bag and when friends came over we would make trades, or shoot marbles to try to win them from each other.

It’s perhaps this memory of marbles that made me want to draw this one and work it into one of my dot to dot images.


I have placed it in the sky like a planet, then connected it to other objects leading back into space.

logo 1.jpg

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Interesting work. Seems like you used a photo of a sky as Background? which Grafikprogramm are you using? if i may ask.

Right you are, I use Procreate.

ahh I see. Thank you. looking forward to see your future work.

This is brilliant. I love marbles too lol. glad my friend introduced me to your blog.

Glad you enjoyed it and three cheers to your friend.