JOIN IN THE FUN / The Cur- It Is All About Balance

in art •  8 years ago 

cu #2.jpg

The health experts all say that it takes both exercise and good eating habits to stay healthy. Hmmm, easier said than done. I find when I am not exercising it is easy to control what I eat, but when I go to the gym and work out, I come home with a ravenous appetite that demands satisfaction. I guess I am kind of like the Cur, I find it difficult to maintain the right balance.

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The comic looks kinda of cute. I am trying to lose some weight myself, but I don't do much strenuous exercise, mostly power walking.

Haha, it is funny, because it is reversely for me. It is easier to stay on track and say no to junk food when I am exercising regurarly. Are you on some special diet? 😁


Nice to see other vegetarians on Steemit. :) There are a lot of ways how to balance your vegetarian diete and do exercises, you only need to find the best one for you! Wish you luck :)

Nothing special, kind of vegetarian.

I think it's true when you exercice more you need more to eat it's like a car. but it's depand to your habits of eating Mr @beginningtoend

So true.

@beginningtoend This demands somewhat more time and energy to Consider in excess of. Wonderful you provide it from a unique angle. Mhhh not really easy... and it had been previously Very hard. Many thanks for allow us to Consider.


Depends what balance is!!!

or what "is" is

Hahaha. That's funny.

Haha! I think these two acts really balance each other well :D