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Great post, great artworks, great mindset, definitly can't wait for FB and all the censorship-driven main-social media platforms to lose their power, little by little.

Btw, Metamorphosis and Daughters are my favourites. Thanks for intruducing me to these incredible artists.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


Wonderful art collection, which can never be posted on Facebook because of artistic nudity, but can be posted on Steemit :) Decide which social media site is better 😄

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


There is a huge gab here you would thrive here more than on facebook..its just harder to reach your audience

Hi @cringetv. What do you mean by a “huge gab”?

Steemit! Sapien is also going to be another great one.

It really, really and truly grates my soul that FB and other social media sites won't allow nude art shown and can lock people out. Who decides the rules...and yet perfectly acceptable for Hollywood to show nudity, sex and violence to anyone over the age 12. What the bleeping hell. AND if I'm not mistaken FB rules say you must be over a certain age to have a FB account anyway, so presumably then of an age to deal with a bit of artistic nudity. My blood boils. Even TV ads are more explicit and tacky.

It grates your soul? 👀 I wonder what Jesus will say when you reach the gates...."Tough travels?"😂

He is probably used to battered and bruised souls, but may be a little perplexed at my grated one...and then hopefully forgive me ;)


  ·  6 years ago (edited)


Hee hee hee.
Also Like to add, it's not just nipples. An artist friend of mine got flagged on FB for showing her preparation for an artwork. A sculpture with animal bones. She didn't kill anything, they were found remains, never showed the carcass. Just the steaming pot and end product of clean bones.
But then another artist, not friend, posted the most offensive racist memes and commentary, I can put up with a lot of free speech, but that was totally unacceptable and the only person I've ever flagged and guess what...nothing happened, he was allowed to carry on. WTF! But a little nipple gets you shut down.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


Totally agree with you @artkapture - your points make a lot of sense, but does anything about Facebook make sense?

Nope, not a thing. Loads of rubbish, ads, bad "facts" and far too much arguing about nothing

Facebook is a territory of no freedom. Thats true!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


Wonderful selection of works indeed! You have great eye for art!

Thank you!

I’m happy to see such content coming by! Happy you decided to join us on Steemit.

I’m an artist too, here’s an example of a work of mine. Almost freed the nipple... 🤓


Thanks for sharing! Good to meet you 😊

I had written some angry blogs about this in the past since I was banned several times, and currently have 2 FB accounts blocked (because I won't let them scan my computer - f@c&ing spies!). One of the blogs, for example:
and this one on my Blogger:
Anyway, upvoted, resteemed and shared on Twitter (so far, so good - I had no problem there yet):

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


lets see how it plays out on there - so far, so good. There has to be a shred of sanity somewhere! Maybe fewer trolls on twitter?

wow... I couldn't believe my eyes..... At first I thought these Paints are photoshoped pics with real persons pictures..... this artist is a great artist.... It's live these persons in the arts are very real....... God bless you... and I love these paintings...

I agree! All of these artists are incredibly skilled!

Great post and great works!

Thank you!

Sooo that first picture....what exactly is going on?😂

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


Can you explain what's going on in the top painting? I don't mind nipples but the extra ones are kind of freaking me out. Looking at his website Valls clearly has a taste for the creepily surreal but even so that one stands out.

I really like the Liu.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


Oh, I see it now, thank you. Totally did not grasp the diagonal figure until you pointed it out.

Looking through Liu's stuff now. I dig "Catch vs. Pitch." And "Girl With Pomegranates" is amazing. I have a hard time imagining ever buying a portrait painting but I would think about making an exception for that one.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


aside from the "extra nipples" in Dino Valls painting, the title Arachne should also give it away that there are 8 legs! A very clever painting!


  ·  6 years ago (edited)


You have the freedom to post it, but you must include the tag NSFW. If you don’t, you may get flagged.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


Great post, and I'd like to add to your argument about people being irrationally afraid of nipples, but I agree with it completely and can't think of any substantive.

With regards to the NSFW tag, there is one pragmatic side to consder. I do appreciate it as a browser when there's nudity (artistic included), as I often curate in public settings and would rather just avoid getting dirty looks/harangued by people who mistakenly think I'm looking at porn in public if a nipple shows up.

From what I have seen on here, all nudes would have the tag, because some don't want to see the nude thumbnail in their Feed. That's the purpose of it too. You have the Freedom to post, and others have the Freedom to not see it. In my settings I have NSFW set at HIDE, which means I would not see the thumbnail in my Feed if NSFW is added.

If you have been flagged, you will have a minus sign instead of a plus sign in front of the Upvotes when you check them. A whale flagging you would wipe out all the earnings for the post, so you would know that pretty quickly. Like everything on Steemit, it's not an actual rule, but a common courtesy to warn others that the post contains nudity. But others can and do exercise their right to flag posts containing nudity if the NSFW tag is not used.

Do you then warn others with NSFW (not safe for work - but I would assume there are only adults working, unless we are talking about child labor) if your posts contain racism, violence, sexism, homophobic or other material that some may find offensive?
Last time I looked, access to the city of Florence is not restricted to Adults only, nor are any Museums (be that the Louvre in Paris or the MoMA) not accessible to children - in fact, in my city of Vienna, the Museums are generally free entry for Children ...... and, oh shock and horror, none of the Rubens are covered!

Would you really want to associate ART with this?

that's the best you can do? citing a Wiki that has editing issues?
you did not address any of the points I made. Look what is trending as #nsfw here on Steemit and tell me (with a straight face) that art belongs in that category, and that the worlds finest Art Museums, public monuments in cities all over the world etc are #nsfw. #facepalm ◄ now this would be a tag to use dealing with your comments.
Here on Steemit, that tag #nsfw is used for PORN - so get your head out of the toilet!

No one MUST do anything on this platform. Yes, a post might be flagged, but then, if the number of upvotes outweigh the flags, the post is still visible.

Upvote from me.

This whole story got its peak when they started to censor really well known paintings. Isn't it "simply" just typical puritanism hypocrisy? I actually like to imagine that it can have a much darker intend like really disconnecting people more and more from natural things, look how women breastfeeding are ashamed in the USA. Just another way to tell people to buy goods basically.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)



Facebook is trash anymore. However, I did find you on there... so perhaps it still has some purpose. Haha

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


These are beautifully done!! Thank you very much for sharing your posts with us. Inspirational!! Love the colours of the 'Daughters - Oil painting by Hannah Yata' and really like the way the bodys merge into eachother on the 'Aracne - Oil painting by Dino Valls'. You are a good egg haha

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


As always, every post is excellent!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


very freak works of art, don't think I would want them on my wall in the living room. But saying that it would give the neighbours something to talk about haha

  ·  6 years ago (edited)
