Healing Through Humour Capsule 1

in art •  7 years ago 

Here is the first Capsule made for Healing Through Humour, where I establish my characters. In actuality, Mi is me, but depicted in the third person, as though a character external to me. Spinning some real moments and events in my life in this way, with a bit of humour, has helped a great deal with healing from PTSD, Depression and Anxiety. Healing Through Humour is there to inform, yet amuse, help others going through the same thing, by shedding light on a rather serious topic.

This particular capsule shows snippets of things that happened quite literally to how I describe them, no exaggerations. Mostly no exaggerations.

HTH Capsule 01.jpg

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Thats real
The hardest war you will face is life
Everyday is a battle
We can only go up hill
Even when its so tramatic dramatic erratic and all as long as we have hope we can cope

I love that! Thank you so much for this little rhyme :) And it's so true. Hope keeps us going, throughout the hardest of times.