Virtual Reality and where is it heading ?

in art •  7 years ago 

As you have seen, Virtual Reality games has started to become popular over the recent year and even though the design of the headgear is just ugly, you can't help taking notice what would actually change in the next couple of years once the technology matures.

The first time which I was captivated by the VR gears was when I saw this Advert by Google Tilt Brush a few years ago. Can you already imagine how interaction with the virtual world is already starting to take shape.


So what can you use VR for apart for playing games ?

In my opinion, Google tried to integrate VR into the real world with Google Glasses project which didn't really take off as there was challenges like battery life, size of the glasses, convenience and privacy matters as well. However from that project, developers started exploring more possibilities of VR.

  • VR FOR MEDICAL EDUCATION - there has been many applications out there where you are literally able to take virtually operate before actually doing it on a real human being ( example )
  • VR FOR DRIVING SCHOOLS - one of the best implementation of VR is actually in the vehicle driving simulators. Be it a car, a plane, a boat ... the application for VRs makes senses as its safer for everyone.
  • VR FOR TRAVEL - there is huge investment in this area where you are able to load up any city around the world and you would be able to walk thru like you are really there.

Is VR all good ?

One of my largest concern of Virtual Reality going into mainstream markets is exactly like what you see in the movie Ready Player One .which gave us a glimpse of the future where everyone rely on virtual reality in making friends. It does break the borders of the world , however it creates different set of problems which society may not be able to handle.

So what do you think ?

Are you excited about where Virtual Reality will bring us ? Like it or not, there is no running away from it as VR is already here and is making its way into large brands and organisation. Its an exciting yet uncomfortable thought on how its taking over the world we lived in.

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well some people like me cannot use the VR headset for long, after few minutes I get dizzy but I believe VR can also be use for concerts, sports telecast which is like you viewing from the best seats in the stadium.