Greetings, my name is Eduardo Farias, 23 years old, born and raised from Venezuela, son of my beloved mother Dodanys Marcano and my father Edgar Farias, i work a illustrator/ graphic designer from about 8 years, me dream is to become the owner of my own company, and fund a art school, thanks you, steemit community for allow me to join you, and @doditamaria for introducing me to this page, i hope to live lots of experience and meet new and wonderful people!
Let me introduce mydelf
7 years ago by blaze4c (25)
- Past Payouts $0.03
- - Author $0.03
- - Curators $0.00
15 votes
- + moisesmcardona: $0.014 (3%)
- + doditamaria: $0.006 (100%)
- + mariacarolinagil: $0.005 (100%)
- + bottymcbotface: $0.003 (2%)
- + dailygrcstats: $0.001 (5%)
- + bienvenida: $0.001 (10%)
- + mystic-natura: $0.000 (20%)
- + jmourad: $0.000 (20%)
- + nadieyja: $0.000 (10%)
- + faiber: $0.000 (20%)
- + trailhispano: $0.000 (5%)
- + embalsespr: $0.000 (5%)
- + erfiguera: $0.000 (20%)
- + three.colours: $0.000 (12%)
- + preguntame: $0.000 (5%)