in art •  7 years ago 



Yesterday I was creative with my make-up.
I painted on myself without thinking what I paint...I just left the brush walk alone, and that was the result.
After I was happy but really tired!
I toke some Photo and a bid shower:-)
Here are other two pictures of the creative moment.


Ieri sono stata creativa con il mio trucco.
Ho dipinto su di me senza pensare cosa dipingevo.... ho lasciato che il pennello andasse solo, e questo è stato il risultato.
Dopo ciò ero soddisfatta ma molto stanca.
Ho fatto qualche foto una bella doccia.
Ecco ancora due immagini del momento creativo.



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this is beautiful work!!!

Thank's! It was also funny to do it;-)

That is good, make up is a very interesting art!

You are right:-)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I love the weirdness of artists! We need you! That looks great!

WOW, Thank you:-)A big compliment:-))))

you are looking gorgeously amazing...

Thank you very much:-)

i think, you don't need anything as you are most beautiful naturally...

That's friendly! Thank's

hey, that is cool! Did you actually take it on the street?

Why not?:-)

This is so creative and beautiful!

THANK'S A LOT! It was also funny to do it:-)

Unprecedented Art !! @carolineschell😇

I can't believe that you painted without thinking what you are painting. A complete artistic approach.

Normally I think what I paint, but in this case it was very spontaneous

Your precision in spontaneity is astonishing. 🙌☺