searching inner peace and universal answers through art

in art •  7 years ago 

hello dear community story would be too long to tell and my writing skills lack of patience and ability, therefore I will keep it short and simple.

Some little time ago I quit my job to become a more happy human and to solely rely on my hands and creativity to fill my pockets and mouth. It has been a hell of a ride since then I don't regret even I did not yet come so far I imagine. Living and working as an artist made me stronger and more sensitive at a time. It was and is a fulfilling pleasure to experience life from zero, from having nothing at all to feeing gratitude for little things. Some of the hardest lessons was to learn about the people I love. About their limitations and judging towards my decisions and actions. But this finally lead to clean out the closet and I am lucky to have a handful of people in this world who believed in me and still do. I owe those people a lot. Priceless.

Finally, it is more challenging to keep in mind the lessons learned especially when life sucks to then again bright up in new lights, and it does, it is the was it goes...... And as life is such a magical ride the lessons will turn up again if we did not evolve in the means it is supposed to be. Guess all of us know this kind of experiences ;)

One of the lessons was that if I hide none will ever see my work, no one will ever value my work - that in fact in means of art is some kind of tricky thing. Despite many reasons that make me scared or worried or unconvinced I will share some photos of my art with you.

Hopefully you gonna like one or another piece and maybe I am even lucky enough to make you a beautiful canvas or art print. I would be more than happy to send it to you no matter how far away.

Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts and feelings while you look an my art. The most interesting thing about art is how differently people perceive a form or colour.

Everyone feels and sees things uniquely different and all of this individual perceptions are in continuously in change. Some psychological topics we could go very deep ... but more importantly I have to work on my patience and writing skills.... until then I hope you enjoy some of my pieces that all reflect my personal feelings and emotions towards people, humanity, anything and nothing in particular..... it is just me. <3

Tibetean Swastika

Love & Hope





Well, to all those dreamers and warriors out there......

thanks a lot for your statements or thoughts, love to all...

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