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Lol that could either be the greatest pickup line or the world's biggest diss! Good one Craig!

Haha poor donkey. Cheers @shawnfishbit!

Are we talking standard-princess Fiona, or Ogre Fiona? One's a huge compliment, one's a nasty burn.

fbi is on...

haters gonna hate...truth is live streamed :)

Excellent pickup line, that might work. At least, it'll get some laughs.

23 bucks for 1 line. That's how you know it's a solid pick-up line.

That's 😡 money crazy.
I can write one line and make $0.18.
This is steemit network to the fullest.
As always it is WHO you know not what you know

That seems to be the case, though I can't really think of a good way to balance it :/ Up to $31 now. Looking at his content it at least looks like Craig worked his way up to this point though.

I came over from YouTube and found him here. One of the first ppl I looked for.

yeah craig is a boss. I watched him on youtube before I ever heard of steemit

Ahh, good to know. Thanks!

It's gotta be Ogre Fiona that's her natural form and Shrek loves her more that way.

I can't figure out if this is a complement or a dis lol

Are we talking big booty princess Fiona?


nice post hey check out my posts @biggy345 mad support to minnows ,namaste

lmfao, you silly craig


Hey mister, check out my blog or just this post:

I got some funny stuff as well. Have a great day!

Nice post

Hello Shrek, How are you? Lol ☺

Oh, god. Apparently when I see Shrek now I'm going to be reminded of this horrible, horrible Shrek fan fiction this guy on youtube read out to his subs the other day. That kinda makes me sad.

Good pickup line anyways, lol.

lmao, this is fine poetry


heheh nice.